"God's Healing In The Lutheran Church"
Herbert Mjorud was born August 26, 1910 to Johan Petter (John Peter) and
Magna Josefine (Melleby) Mjorud. Although his first name was Alton he
would go by his middle name of Herbert throughout his life. His father
and mother were both born in Norway. His father's family found that John
Peter was uncontrollable so they sent him to America in 1904 in hopes
he would get his life together. John Peter went to the wild west of San
Francisco but ended up becoming an alcoholic in the local saloons. He
then headed for Alaska, following the gold but settled on becoming a fisherman.
After making some money he returned to Norway and married his sweetheart
Magna. but he could not settle down. He built a fishing boat and took
his family of four children and his wife to head for Alaska once again.
They settled in Petersburg, Alaska a heavily Norwegian community.
had a difficult childhood growing up. John Peter was a demanding and
abusive father and husband. Herb described him as self-centered and psychotic,
often striking his wife and children for no reason. Herb would say that
although it was a difficult situation in which to grow up his father gave
him one important skill, the ability to fish in Alaska. That skill would
carry him through the process of receiving three college degrees. He would
fish in the summer and make enough money to live on for the rest of the
year. It was something he would be grateful for many years.
attended the University of Washington in 1930. He paid his way by buying
a boat and fishing all summer and then selling the boat at the end of
the season. He threw himself into his studies and school's rowing team.
His team won the national championship in 1933. Herb would work four hours
a day in the school laundry to support himself. He took 5 hours of classes
and then would row for hours after school. Once done then he would study
for the rest of the evening and start again the next day. He had no contact
with religion. Although he had been baptized as a baby in the Lutheran
church, his family rarely attended. Herb would describe himself as an
agnostic. In fact he would often argue against the existence of God. Surprisingly
one of the instructors was leaving the University and told his classes
that without Christ life would be hollow and without value. Although Herb
disagreed with the statement a seed had been planted that would continue
to work on him. He did not recognize the beginning of conviction but it
was there.
graduated in 1933 and returned to Alaska to fish for the summer. While
there he met Gundhild Anderson who was working in the general store in
Port Alexander, Alaska. She was a native Norwegian who had emigrated with
her family as a child. They began to date and as their relationship became
serious Gundhild pressed Herb on whether he believed in God. Although
his response was that he did not the couple agreed that if they married
Gundhild could bring their children up in the Lutheran church. It was
of supreme importance to her as she had been converted as a child. The
couple married and Herb was accepted to the University of Washington Law
school in 1934. In 1935 the couple's son, Alton, was born. The Mjoruds
returned to Alaska so Herb could fish through the summer. A major problem
arose however, Alton became very ill and was close to death. Gundhild
and Alton flew to Seattle for emergency surgery. Herb in despair threw
himself on his bed and cried out "if there is a God, help us."
Alton did survive the surgery and began to thrive. He found himself thanking
God for the miracle. However, the feelings soon passed and Herb slid back
into agnosticism. Herb took the year off from school and worked to pay
off the medical debts that accrued due to Alton's illness. He returned
to law school and graduated in 1938.
went into business with a classmate and set up a law practice in Seattle.
Since it would take years to become financially established the men agreed
that Herb would continue to fish in the summer to support his family.
The couple had their second son Douglas in 1940. Everything seemed to
be set into place until 1941. One day Herb's sister Jane came to his law
office. She was radiant. She told him that some missionaries had led her
to a personal relationship with Christ. He thought she had gone over the
edge religiously. Jane gave him a clear presentation of the gospel and
invited Herb to be saved. Herb rejected the invitation. Conviction stirred
in Herb's heart once again. He describes hearing his sister's words over
and over in his mind. Intellectually he believed it was just superstition
but in his heart he felt a pulling from God to believe. His sister visited
the Mjoruds a couple of weeks later. Once again she shared the gospel
with Herb. He became angry and told her if she could not talk about something
else he wanted her to leave and not return. When Herb went to bed that
night the phrase "you must be born again" played over and over
in his mind. He fought it and thought it was crazy. Yet the words would
rise up whenever Herb stopped being busy. The Holy Spirit was convicting
him and like the fish he caught he fought it the entire way. Then his
mother began to write him and say that she also had been saved and she
was praying for him.
night Herb had a dream. In the dream he was driving with his wife and
child and there came a great shaking. Buildings began to crumble around
them and collapse. Herb cried out "Gundhild, this is a warning from
God." He woke up but was in an emotional state. Herb paced the floor
and heard the words from his sister Jane over and over again. In the morning
he told his wife they needed to go to church and find out what all this
meant. Gundhild agreed. They began a round of church visiting but finally
settled on a Lutheran church with a Norwegian pastor who preached from
the bible in a way that seemed clear to Herb. The pastor sermons brought
conviction to Herb, and yet he had not made the final step of faith. His
logical and legal mind kept telling him it wasn't true. The family attended
the church for six months. Herb went through classes twice on what it
meant to become a Christian. Slowly the Word began to permeate his heart
and he knew he was going to have to make a decision. Herb stayed up late
one night and prayed in a way he had never prayed before. He declared
himself a sinner and accepted Christ. He spent hours repenting of every
sin he could remember. Herb was later to say it took a long time! The
suddenly he was surrounded by a bright light. All his shame and guilt
passed away and he was filled with the love of God and incredible peace.
He could only tell God that he loved Him and thank Him for His presence.
after his salvation Herb's pastor asked him to lead a Bible study. He
couldn't understand how the pastor would ask that since he was so newly
saved. Although Herb tried to reject the offer his pastor told him "God
will be your sufficiency" and he agreed. Later Herb would say it
was the first step into full time ministry and if he'd realized it at
the time he would have considered even longer. He was soon elected a church
deacon. When Herb questioned it his pastor told him "God has called
you. He knows you better than your own qualifications." Clearly those
around Herb saw his heart for God and his leadership qualities. Herb decided
to know the Bible in a much greater way. The Lutheran Denomination opened
a Bible Institute in Seattle as a branch of their main school in Minneapolis.
One of the teachers spoke at Herb's church and he was stunned by the clear
teaching of the Word. Herb felt God tugging on his heart but did not know
how he could go to Bible school and continue his practice in order to
support his family. He decided to attend part time in the mornings and
keep his practice open the rest of the day.
became so consumed with learning the Word that he turned over his cases
to a fellow lawyer. After a single semester he decided to go to Bible
school full time. Herb began to be burdened for the lost in Seattle. He
wasn't sure how to approach reaching them. The pastor of Herb's church
met with him and they created a strategy for reaching people in Seattle
for Christ. They set up a door to door campaign with follow-up teams.
The program was a great success. People flowed into the church and the
church became alive with the move of God. Herb could still depend on income
from summer fishing in Alaska to keep his family supplied while he was
doing the ministry in the church of evangelism, bible studies, and studying
God's Word. In Herb's second year at Bible school God began to speak to
him about becoming a full-time evangelist. Since the only full time evangelistic
work Herb knew was available was mission he struggled with the call. He
wasn't interested in going overseas into a different culture. In the end
after wrestling with God Herb declared "Everything I am and have
is yours. I am willing to do your will no matter what - even if it means
becoming a missionary!" Once Herb made the decision he found out
that he would have to attend the Lutheran Theological Seminary for three
more years in order to be considered for a missionary position.
Mjoruds sold their house and moved to St. Paul. Minnesota to attend Theological
Seminary. Herb kept his fishing boat and continued to fish in the summer
to support his family. During the summer God would lead him to areas where
other people were not fishing and he would catch amazing numbers of fish.
It got to the point where other boats would try to follow so that they
could also receive a bountiful harvest. At one point when he and his partner
struggled to find fish the Lord spoke to Herb and told him to cast his
lines over the right side of the boat and he would catch fish. Since Jesus
had spoken directions to Peter in the same way Herb and his partner lowered
the lines. Even though none of the usual signs of fish schools were present
and they were in very deep-water Herb did as the Lord directed and dropped
the fishing lines. All the lines began snapping with fish on them. Because
the water was deep the fish were unusually large. Their catch that day
was four times the amount they usually got. Truly God was teaching Herb
the importance of listening to His voice while catching fish in the natural.
That day Herb and his partner caught 153 fish, the same number Peter caught
when the Lord told him to drop his net in the bible. It was an amazing
confirmation to Herb of God's miraculous provision for him in his obedience
to follow Christ's voice.
Theological Seminary turned out to be very different than Herb had expected.
The Bible school he had attended was full of life and focused on the living
experiential move and Word of God. Seminary was dry and seemed to dissect
the Word rather than embrace it. Within a short time Herb felt he was
fighting for his faith. His assigned readings were books that questioned
his faith or outright stood against it. Herb was shocked and dismayed.
Rather than bring life to him the seminary filled him with doubt and unbelief.
In the middle of the second year Herb wanted to return to Seattle where
God was so present for him. One night Herb sat with his bible and read
story after story of the scriptures like a drowning man. Suddenly the
room filled with the tangible presence of God. Doubts and fear melted
away. Herb was once more assured of God's love and presence. Every day
after that Herb would make sure to spend personal time with God to be
filled and refilled. This process sustained Herb for his remaining time
at seminary and trained him for future ministry.
Herb felt a strong call to go back to the northwest part of the country
his first church was the one he'd been serving in as an interim pastor
in Minneapolis. Herb immediately started a door to door evangelism campaign
and his little church began to thrive. Herb was surprised to receive a
letter from a church in Anchorage, Alaska asking him to come and be their
pastor. He struggled with the decision since he'd felt a strong call to
the northwest, but he did not want to leave the church he'd been at such
a short time. Once again Herb set himself to pray and seek God. He spent
the day in prayer and about midnight he felt the assurance he was supposed
to lead the church in Alaska. He was filled by the peace and presence
of God. Herb was also entering into the understanding of the importance
of the Holy Spirit to highlight scriptures and lead him in his ministry.
While in Anchorage Herb felt the leading to specifically ask for the infilling
of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide him. Although there were no lightning
bolts from heaven Herb's ministry began to change from that time forward.
His messages changed from defending the gospel to proclaiming the living
power of the gospel. He was also filled with a new compassion for people
and the love of God toward them. Conviction began to fall in Herb's church
and repentance and changed lives became the norm.
spent much of his time praying for and counseling alcoholics. The alcoholism
rate in Alaska is higher than any other state in the nation. He was seeing
people set free as he prayed for them. Slowly God began to show Herb that
he could pray for the sick in the same way that he prayed for alcoholics.
God impressed him with the scripture that "you shall lay hands on
the sick and they will recover." A man came to his office to repent
of his sins and accept Christ. After doing so he informed Herb he had
a pinched nerve in his neck and wanted prayer for healing. Herb was taken
aback but agreed. When Herb prayed the man was instantly healed. The man
left rejoicing but Herb was shocked! About a year later Herb and Gundhild
met with a couple whose son was in the hospital with double pneumonia.
After praying the boy was improved immediately and a collapsed lung was
miraculously inflated. Then a man with a heart condition contacted Herb
to let him know the doctors only gave him a couple of months to live.
He asked Herb to call the elders and anoint him with oil as directed in
James 5:14. Herb had never held a healing service but called the elders
and prayed for the man. He was instantly healed of his heart condition
and it was confirmed by two heart specialists. Although these three events
challenged Herb but he wasn't ready to believe that healing was available
to all. Still God was beginning to stretch his faith.
an evangelistic meeting at his church God highlighted Isaiah 55:5 to Herb
"Behold you shall call nations you know not and nations you knew
not shall run to you because of the Lord your God and the Holy one of
Israel, for He has glorified you." He didn't know what it meant until
he received a letter requesting he become an evangelist for the Lutheran
denomination. He had received this request twice and turned it down but
the third time he felt impressed by God to take the position. Herb moved
back to Minneapolis and began his itinerant ministry. He spoke in churches,
evangelistic meetings, and Bible camps. He asked people to accept Christ
and repent of their sins. He received both positive and negative reactions
from pastors. Some believing altars calls were not required in Lutheran
churches. Often after Herb left the revivals he left behind diminished
and disappeared under the weight of tradition.
About this time
the charismatic renewal was breaking out in many traditional churches
across the country. Miracles were being reported in renewal meetings.
Herb turned to the Bible seeking God's guidance. He realized he had formed
his understanding based on denominational doctrines but not the word of
God! In 1962 the director of the American Lutheran Church Evangelists
held a meeting to report on what he had seen in the renewal meetings,
including many healings and miracles. The next week Herb was holding a
meeting in Seattle the home base of Dennis Bennet Episcopal Church which
was in renewal. He decided to attend a meeting to see for himself what
was happening. Herb ended up receiving prayer and asking for all the gifts
of the Spirit. Although Herb had a feeling of the fire of God upon him
he did not see any outward sign of change. Several weeks later he realized
he could speak in tongues.
The next evangelistic
meeting Herb held really changed his view of the gifts of the Spirit.
After the meetings Herb and the church pastor were visiting members when
a startling event occurred. When they knocked on the door of a local farmer
he answered with the announcement his wife was having a heart attack.
The pastors prayed and Herb felt an unction to command healing into her.
She immediately became well and all pain disappeared. She testified in
the evening service of her remarkable healing. A missionary who had returned
from overseas begged for help from overwhelming fear. Herb felt a demonic
presence and cast it out. The woman was transformed before his eyes. From
that time on Herb saw healings and miracles in all of his meetings. In
one meeting a woman died and Herb prayed for her and she was instantly
not all pastors agreed with the new empowering of the Holy Spirit. An
anti-renewal spirit rose up within the denomination. A group of pastors
wrote up charges of heresy against Herb and sent them to his director.
He was shocked. His director told him to be careful and not promote the
gifts of the Holy Spirit in his meetings. Herb returned to more traditional
evangelistic services with a heavy heart. However, accusations continued
to follow him, many patently false. These accusations eventually led to
a meeting with the evangelistic staff. Herb was given an ultimatum - stop
teaching about and using charismatic gifts or get out. Herb refused, knowing
his position with his denomination would be terminated. He was called
before the council of the American Lutheran Church to defend himself.
The council unanimously voted to remove Herb from his position in 1965.
Shortly after
his termination Herb began to receive calls to hold meetings from interdenominational
groups and more open Lutheran churches. His termination turned out to
be a blessing. He felt a freedom to move in the gifts of the Spirit in
his meetings. He created the Mjorud Evangelistic Association and more
doors opened to him across the United States. After one meeting a man
prophesied that Herb would begin to travel the world. That word was a
confirmation of what God had already spoken to Herb and he was elated.
God had closed the door to his denomination but opened it to the world!
Herb received a request to travel with a Full Gospel Businessmen's group
to 39 cities across the globe. God miraculously provided the finances.
Herb would go on to hold eight world-wide tours. He saw thousands saved
and healed.
In 1973 Herb was
remarkably changed when he and a ministry partner attended an evangelistic
meeting by Evangelist Argenmiro from Brazil that was held in Sri Lanka.
Argenmiro plastered the city with notices to bring the deaf and dumb to
the meeting. At the end of the meeting Argenmiro prayed for the deaf and
dumb. 40 were instantly healed. Many had been deaf and dumb since birth.
The next night Argenmiro called for the blind to be brought. 20,000 people
came to the meeting. Many blind people were instantly healed. By the last
night of the meetings 60,000 people attended and many miracles were reported.
Herb and his partner were electrified. They had to split up to hold separate
meetings but Herb's partner decided to believe God for the same things.
Before the next meeting in Jaffra Sri Lanka he called the deaf and dumb
forward for prayer. All 18 who came forward were healed. At the next meeting
14 children from the deaf and dumb school were brought to the meeting
and every one of them were healed. Local evangelists were also stirred
and began to see miraculous healings as well. When Herb returned to Sri
Lanka he partnered with one of the local evangelists seeing miracles.
Herb began to see a new level and quantity of miracles he had never seen
While traveling
and ministering Herb began to feel unwell. He was eventually diagnosed
with a parasite and he thought that his troubles were over. Then he was
diagnosed with cancer and he surgery to remove it. Herb and his wife prayed
and fasted when the results came back of further cancer. God spoke however
and told him "no more surgery." Herb and many others prayed.
Upon retesting the cancer was completely gone. This pattern reoccurred
multiple times total in Herb's life. He would be diagnosed with cancer,
receive treatment, be healed and then it would pop up again. He had to
stand on his faith and the word of God through seemingly insurmountable
odds. He went through three surgeries and chemotherapy and radiation all
the while standing on the promises from the bible. In 1980 Herb was diagnosed
with lymphoma and the cancer was found to be throughout his whole body.
He was sent home to die. Herb continued to cry out to God even when he
lost his voice. One day God spoke to him and said "Spend three days
in prayer and praise and on the third day I will do something." Although
he couldn't speak he listened to his favorite worship album over and over
for three days. On the third day God spoke to him again. "Do what
I did to the fig tree in Mark 11." Herb cursed the cancer. His voice
returned immediately and he began to eat. When he went to the doctor a
few days later the cancer was completely gone. In 1981 Herb was once again
hit with cancer. He was sent home to die once more. He continued to pray
and seek God. One day God spoke to him and said "I will restore you
to health and heal your wounds." Once again Herb was completely healed.
He stayed healed for the rest of his life. It's hard to understand why
God allowed Herb to go through 5 bouts of cancer. Still his life was a
walking testimony of the miraculous power of God when man's attempts to
heal were used up. He never gave up on faith in God's goodness or the
healing power of Christ. He continued to pray for people in his home into
his 80s. He died June 15, 1999 at 88 years old.
Herb wrote three
books. The first book published in 1975 was sold under two different titles,
"Dare to Believe" and "Your Authority to Believe."
The second book published in 1978 was "What's Baptism All About."
The final book "Fighting Cancer with Christ" was published
in 1983 after his healing from cancer was completed. Herb spent his life
committed to sharing the full gospel. He traveled to 23 countries and
had a major impact in Sri Lanka. Under circumstances that would have crushed
many, Herb stood on the love of God and the scriptures for himself and
for many others to be healed.
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