"Healing and the Joseph Anointing"
Jack Moore was
not a healing evangelist, although he was a pastor and he preached on
healing. He was an apostolic forerunner of those who carry the "Joseph
Anointing". He was a visionary who saw the power of God to heal and
the necessity of seeing that message shared with the world. His organizational
abilities and financing supported two major organizations, as well as
many missionaries who touched the world for Christ.
Jack Moore was
born June 24, 1905. His mother Lucille had married a man with a last name
of Samons (possibly Sammons), who was brilliant, but irresponsible. He
loved to read and spent his time buried in his books, but could not manage
to hold a job and support his family. When Jack was five years old his
father abandoned his family and disappeared. Life must have been very
difficult for Lucille and she married James Moore. Unfortunately James
was a difficult husband and stepfather. What little religious background
that Moore had was Methodist.
Something must
have been stirring in Jack's heart for God. When he was twelve years old
a Pentecostal evangelist, named Reverend Bohannon, brought a small tent
to Mansfield, Louisiana where the Moores were living. Jack, and his ten-year-old
sister Anna Lou, walked a mile every night to hear the preaching. Reverend
Bohannon was preaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and Jack really
wanted what he heard about. One night as he was walking to the meeting
he heard a voice say, "you will receive tonight". He began to
run to the tent and when he got there he slid to the altar and went out
under the power of God. For four straight hours he spoke in tongues. Pentecostals,
at that time, were considered a cult group and were often highly persecuted.
The locals ran Reverend Bohannon out of town after three weeks in Mansfield.
Jack's mother was so angry with him that she and her husband decided to
load Jack up with so much work that he couldn't have time to think about
anything else. His attitude was so loving that his mother was won to his
way of thinking.
Moore's life became
increasingly difficult. When he was in seventh grade his stepfather became
disabled when a tree he was cutting fell on him. That meant that Jack
had to leave school and support his family. He never had any further formal
education but, like his biological father, he loved books and taught himself
over the years. He had a brilliant mind, a loving personality, and a gift
for making finances. Jack began to build houses and God blessed what he
put his hands to. When he was 18 years old Jack married Mildred Lout,
who was only 15 at the time. They would go on to have four children.
His building expertise
led Moore to owning his own construction company. He built many of the
houses in Shreveport, Louisiana area. During the great depression his
company was making money when most others were struggling to survive.
Moore often gave money secretly to help those in need. His heart was for
the kingdom. In 1933 a divine connection occurred. Gordon
Lindsay was a traveling evangelist and was supposed to preach in
Houston, Texas. The church backed out at the last minute and Lindsay tried
other Pentecostal churches within the driving distance of their gas reserve.
They happened upon the church led by Moore's father-in-law. The Louts
let him stay for two weeks. Over the next several years Lindsay would
often travel back to the area to minister and stayed with the Moores and
the Louts.
Moore's had a
heart to see the Pentecostal message preached in Shreveport. In 1940 Moore
began a building what turned out to be Life Tabernacle, a church led by
three families in the city. It was an independent Pentecostal church, with a Oneness Doctrine.
The first day there were only 18 attendees, which included the families
of the founders. Moore learned to preach in that church. The families
were extremely musical. Moore was part of a singing trio and Mildred played
the piano. They even were on the radio on a 50,000-watt station. The church
began to grow. During this time the three founding members continued to
do construction work. They never took a penny in salary from the church.
Gordon Lindsay remained a friend to the Moores and encouraged them in
what they were called to do.
In 1947 Moore
heard about a Baptist preacher who was holding meetings in Pine Bluffs,
Arkansas. His name was William Branham and
he had an amazing gift of healing. Moore visited and was so impressed
he invited Branham to speak at his church. An entirely new chapter began
in the Moore's lives. Branham had a wonderful gift, but he had little
education and no organizing abilities. Jack Moore was extremely organized
and well connected in Pentecostal circles. Moore actually left his church
for several months and took Branham to Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and
California. The meetings were exploding. Moore would teach afternoon meetings
and Branham would only teach in the evening so that he would not become
over-tired. By the time the men reached California Moore was feeling the
pressure to return home. He knew whom he wanted to take over organizing
the Branham meetings. He flew to Ashland, Oregon and got Gordon Lindsay.
Moore brought Lindsay to a Branham meeting in Sacramento, California.
After seeing Branham, Lindsay knew he wanted to be involved and resigned
his church to help with the meetings.
Moore returned
to Shreveport and his church. Gordon opened the way for Branham in the
northwest. When those meetings were over Lindsay returned to Shreveport
to stay with the Moores. Feeling that this was something God was blessing
Moore and Lindsay decided to start a magazine in 1947 called "The
Voice of Healing" which included reports of Branham meetings that
had been held on the West coast and Canada. The reports were typed up
on the Moore's dining room table. In February 1948 the magazine was announced,
at a Pensacola, Florida meeting, and 700 people signed up to receive it.
Within two years it had a circulation of 250,000. Gordon Lindsay handled
the reports and the pictures. Jack Moore handled the organization, printing,
and the finances.
Shreveport, Louisiana
was the birthplace of the Voice of Healing organization and the Moores
were involved from day one. By 1952 the fact that Shreveport did not have
an airport was causing problems. Lindsay moved the organization to Dallas,
Texas. Moore remained in Shreveport and built a larger church across from
the Municipal auditorium. Moore's heart was to honor the Lord he saw in
people. He supported the local Billy Graham Crusade, often invited the
local Baptist minister to preach in his church, and helped build a Church
of God campground for camp meetings. He continued to help Lindsay with
finances and advice through the ups and downs of the organization.
When Demos Shakarian,
along with several others including Gordon Lindsay, started a new organization
called The Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship Jack Moore became a Director.
He saw that it was one of the most effective ways to reach men for the
Gospel. Demos Shakarian, attributed Moore's knowledge of the Word as saving
the organization from descending into confusion on several occasions.
In 1971 the Voice of Healing organization renamed themselves to Christ
For The Nations. Freda Lindsay, Gordon Lindsay's wife, still says "There
wouldn't be a Christ For The Nations if it wasn't for Jack Moore".
He always supported them when they had no money.
Jack Moore worked
with his construction company and his church until a month before he died.
He died on November 18, 1975, highly honored in Shreveport and among Pentecostal
leaders. Only God knows the extent he was used to touch the United States
and the world with the truth that Jesus still heals.
If a name is found highlighed in blue then
a separate biography is found in the biography section of this site.
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