of Faith"
Smith Wigglesworth was born in 1859 to a very poor family. His father
did manual labor, for very little pay. Smith himself went to work at the
age of six to help with the family income. At six he was pulling turnips
and at seven he was working in a woolen mill twelve hours a day. His parents
did not know God, but Smith hungered in his heart to know Him. Even as
a youngster he would pray in the fields. His grandmother was the critical
Christian in his life. She was a Wesleyan Methodist and would take Smith
to meetings with her. At one of these meetings there was a song being
sung about Jesus as the lamb and Smith came into the realization of God's
love for him and his decision to believe Christ for his salvation was
decided that day. He was immediately filled with the desire to evangelize
and led his own mother to Christ.
Smith has various
church experiences as he was growing up. He first went to an Episcopal
church and then at thirteen a Wesleyan Methodist church. When he was sixteen
he became involved in the Salvation Army. He felt deeply called to fast
and pray for lost souls. He saw many people come to Christ. At seventeen
a mentor shared with him about water baptism and he decided to be baptized.
The Salvation Army was experiencing a tremendous level of the power of
God in those days. He describes meetings where "many would be prostrated
under the power of the Spirit, sometimes for as long as twenty-four hours
at a time." They would pray and fast and cry out for the salvation
of fifty or a hundred people for the week and they would see what they
had prayed for.
At eighteen Smith
left the factory and became a plumber. He moved to Liverpool when he was
twenty and continued to work during the day and minister during his free
time. He felt called to minister to young people and brought them to meetings.
These were destitute and ragged children, whom he would often feed and
care for. Hundreds were saved. Smith was often asked to speak in Salvation
meetings and he would break down and weep under the power of God. Many
would come to repentance in those meetings through this untrained man.
At twenty-three he returned back Bradford and continued his work with
the Salvation Army.
In Bradford Smith
met Mary Jane Featherstone, known as Polly, the daughter of a temperance
lecturer. She left home and went to Bradford to take a servants job. One
night she was drawn to a Salvation Army meeting. She listened to the woman
evangelist, Gipsy Tillie Smith, and gave her heart to Christ. Smith was
in that meeting and saw her heart for God. Polly became an enthusiastic
Salvationsist and was granted a commission by General Booth. They developed
a friendship, but Polly went to Scotland to help with a new Salvationist
work. She eventually moved back to Bradford and married Smith, who was
very much in love with her.
The couple worked
together to evangelize the lost. They opened a small church in a poor
part of town. Polly would preach and Smith would make the altar calls.
For a season, however, Smith became so busy with his plumbing work that
his evangelistic fervor began to wane. Polly continued on, bringing Smith
to conviction. One day while Smith was working in the town of Leeds he
heard of a divine healing meeting. He shared with Polly about it. She
needed healing and so they went to a meeting, and Polly was healed.
Smith struggled
with the reality of healing, while being ill himself. He decided to give
up the medicine that he was taking and trust God. He was healed. They
had five children, a girl and four boys. One morning two of the boys were
sick. The power of God came and they prayed for the boys and they were
instantly healed. Smith struggled with the idea that God would use him
to heal the sick in general. He would gather up a group of people and
drive them to get prayer in Leeds. The leaders of the meeting were going
to a convention and left Smith in charge. He was horrified. How could
he lead a meeting about divine healing? He tried to pass it off to someone
else but could not. Finally he led the meeting and several people were
healed. That was it. From then on Smith began to pray for people for healing.
Smith had another
leap to make. He had heard about the Pentecostals who were being baptized
in the Holy Spirit. He went to meetings and was so hungry for God he created
a disturbance and church members asked him to stop. He went to prayer
and prayed for four days. Finally he was getting ready to head home and
the vicar's wife prayed for him and he fell under the power of God and
spoke in tongues. Everything changed after that. He would walk by people
and they would come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and be saved.
He began to see miracles and healings and the glory of God would fall
when he prayed and preached.
Smith had to respond
to the many calls that came in and gave up his business for the ministry.
Polly unexpectedly died in 1913, and this was a real blow to Smith. He
prayed for her and commanded that death release her. She did arise but
said "Smith - the Lord wants me." His heartbroken response was
"If the Lord wants you, I will not hold you". She had been his
light and joy for all the years of their marriage, and he grieved deeply
over the loss. After his wife was buried he went to her grave, feeling
like he wanted to die. When God told him to get up and go Smith told him
only if you "give to me a double portion of the Spirit my
wifes and my own I would go and preach the Gospel. God was
gracious to me and answered my request. His daughter Alice and son-in-law
James Salter began to travel with him to handle his affairs.
Smith would pray
and the blind would see, and the deaf were healed, people came out of
wheelchairs, and cancers were destroyed. One remarkable story is when
He prayed for a woman in a hospital. While he and a friend were praying
she died. He took her out of the bed stood her against the wall and said
"in the name of Jesus I rebuke this death". Her whole body began
to tremble. The he said "in the name of Jesus walk", and she
walked. Everywhere he would go he would teach and then show the power
of God. He began to receive requests from all over the world. He taught
in Europe, Asia, New Zealand and many other areas. When the crowds became
very large he began a "wholesale healing". He would have everyone
who needed healing lay hands on themselves and then he would pray. Hundreds
would be healed at one time.
Over Smith's ministry
it was confirmed that 14 people were raised from the dead. Thousands were
saved and healed and he impacted whole continents for Christ. Smith died
on March 12, 1947 at the funeral of his dear friend Wilf Richardson. His
ministry was based on four principles " First, read the Word of God.
Second, consume the Word of God until it consumes you. Third believe the
Word of God. Fourth, act on the Word."
to read Smith Wigglesworth's books? Want to read about him?
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