"The Mantle of Healing"
Elias Letwaba
was born in 1870 to a man of God and of the Word who lived in Middleburg,
Transvaal. He was always in prayer and considered a little odd by others
around him. His mother, on the other hand, was a nominal Christian. Things
changed dramatically when six months before Letwaba was born his mother
was grinding wheat. She suddenly saw a man clothed in white standing before
her. The messenger said, "You will shortly have a strong baby boy.
He is to be a messenger for Me, to carry my Gospel message to many places.
He will suffer much persecution and weariness, but I will be with him
and protect him until his death, making him a means of blessing to thousands
and an instrument in my hands for establishing many Christian churches."
The man disappeared and Letwaba's mother became a strong believer from
that point forward.
Letwaba's family
was educated and learned Dutch so that they would have access to literary
material. They often entertained teachers, missionaries, and visiting
teachers in their home. At one point, when a visiting preacher came, Letwaba
told his parents of his desire to preach the gospel. At nineteen years
old Letwaba would tramp the villages with his twelve-year old brother,
Wilfred, and preach wherever anyone would listen. He took the name of
Elias. God began to speak to him out of the Word. One day God highlighted
Matthew 8:16-17 "And when evening had come, they brought to Him many
who were demon-possessed; and He cast out the spirits with a word, and
healed all who were ill in order that what was spoken through Isaiah the
prophet might be fulfilled, saying, "He Himself took our infirmities,
and carried away our diseases." (NASB) Letwaba felt a tingling in
his hands and a heart to see the sick healed. That day Letwaba was in
Heidelberg when he met a woman whose daughter was fourteen years old and
never walked. He prayed for the girl and left, not knowing for five years
that she was healed from that moment on.
Letwaba joined
the Berlin Lutheran Mission but was unhappy to find out that the church
was a social club and sin was overlooked. His heart longed for holiness,
and he struggled with personal sin. When he was twenty he switched to
the Bapedi Lutherans, and stayed with them for nineteen years. Still he
struggled with a sense of powerlessness and the teaching that focused
on the traditions of men instead of the Word of God. There was a conviction
in his life that there was more and he began crying out to God for His
power of salvation to be made manifest. In his struggle he became ill
and was close to death. Jesus appeared to him and called him to an open
confession of his sin so that he would be healed. He was afraid of losing
his reputation but he went to those he sinned against first, and then
to his wife and the missionaries with whom he worked to expose it all.
Letwaba left the Bepedi Lutherans and sought for people who would believe
Letwaba connected
himself to the Zion Apostolic Church. He saw that the people had a living
faith and he chose to be baptized by them. Still his heart was hungry
for more. Letwaba went to one of the elders and explained, "I have
fasted and cried many bitter tears. I have lain awake at nights, longing
for holiness, and for the power of God, but the missionaries with who
I work and the native preachers with who I have associated only regard
me as a crank, and laugh at me for my pains. Oh tell me where can I find
what I need?" The elder told him that John G. Lake and Tom Hezmellhalch
were preaching at the old Zulu Mission and that they should go and hear
them. It is described that the meetings in Doorfontein in April 1908 were
like a spiritual cyclone had hit the city, hundreds were healed and thousands
were being saved. So great was the power of God on Lake that he would
shake hands with someone entering the hall and they would fall to the
ground under the power of the Spirit.
John G. Lake invited
Letwaba up onto the stage where he was preaching. This angered many of
the white participants. Lake, however, refused to be cowed and kissed
Letwaba and welcomed him into the meeting. People were threatening to
throw Letwaba out when Lake said "if you throw him out then I will
go out too." Letwaba's heart was melded to Lake's from that point.
Letwaba followed Lake to his house where Lake shared his heart with him.
Since Lake and Hezmellhalch were getting ready for Bloemfontein they invited
Letwaba to go with him. On February 9, 1909 Letwaba was gloriously filled
with the Holy Spirit. Letwaba traveled with the pair and was involved
in the programs.
Letwaba returned
home and shared the good news of the baptism of the Holy Spirit with his
father. His father immediately responded and was filled and began speaking
in tongues. He also began an itinerant ministry of his own. He was beaten,
stoned, kicked, and verbally and physically abused but he kept on going
because there was a fire in his bones. Letwaba invited Lake to come to
his home area of Potgietersrus. Lake and Hezmellhalch would visit for
a few days at a time and all the men would minister together, seeing the
sick healed. Letwaba felt a pressing desire for the party to go north
to Zoutpansberg. They did so but several of the members caught malaria
and two of the party died. Letwaba was broken-hearted as the men returned
to the south but God called him to go back to the north Transvaal.
Letwaba began
his ministry by walking hundreds of miles to visit remote village. Everywhere
he went he prayed for the sick and preached the gospel. One village he
visited was in drought and all the animals were dying. The Holy Spirit
came upon him and he declared, "I decree to you people, by the Word
of God, that by this time tomorrow you shall have the rain you need. Your
fields and your cattle shall be saved, and you will know that God still
lives to answer the prayers of those who believe in Him." Letwaba
spent the night in prayer and by the morning rain poured down upon the
village. The village became open to Christ. Letwaba was an intercessor.
He often spent hours in prayer seeking God. In one case he was praying
in a building that was being painted by unbelievers. They were mocking
him, but the power of God hit the building and the entire building shook.
They refused to work again until he was done his time of prayer.
The Apostolic
Faith Mission, recognizing Letwaba's leadership, gave him the superintendence
of the Zoutpansberg, Waterberg, and Middleberg native churches. Letwaba
felt a growing need to have a school to train leaders. Oftentimes those
who had heard the good news had little scriptural foundation and fell
into error easily. He decided to open the "Patmos Bible School"
at Potgietersrus. It was built on faith in 1924 and completed without
debt. It went on to include dormitories for the students and a school
for children. The coursework was extensive and covered three years. Letwaba
fed the students from his own home farm and small salary from the Apostolic
Faith Mission. Letwaba was self-educated and spoke seven languages including
English, German, Dutch, Tonga, Zulu, Suto, and Xosa. He trained his students
extensively in the Bible but also included practical skills in speaking
and deportment as well as the English and Dutch languages.
Letwaba had the
care of thirty-seven churches. On Sundays he would lead services at five
or six locations and would start at 5:30 in the morning and continue until
9:00 at night. He also taught six hours a day at the Bible school. He
continued the school until 1935 when he was 65 years old. His congregations
were tribally mixed, and often his sermons had to be given through two
or three interpreters. He had a heart for holiness His was a fervent preacher
and saw healings and miracles in his ministry. It is reported that he
saw as many as 10,000 healings in his life. He is often considered to
be the man who received the mantle of Lake's healing ministry in South
Africa. Letwaba died in 1959 at the age of 89.
A description
of Elias Letwaba is found in Gordon Lindsay's book on John G. Lake called
"John G. Lake - Apostle to Africa". Chapter 5 is titled Elias
Letwaba, the Man Who Carried on the Work and Chapter 6 is titled The
Mantle Falls on Letwaba. There is also extensive coverage of Letwaba
in the book titled "When God Makes a Pastor" by W. F.
P Burton published in 1934.
to read more about him?
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