Life of God is the Light of Men"
George Fox was
born in Drayton-in-the-Clay, Leicestershire, England about the year 1624.
His parents were Christopher and Mary Fox, and they raised George in a
Christian home. He was different than his siblings in that he seemed to
have a greater desire to seek out the things of God. He took a job tending
sheep, which suited his desire and temperament. When he was twenty he
went on a spiritual pilgrimage and sought out people who had singular
relationships with God. He became impressed with the need to wait on God.
He began to see that "For in the Word was life, and that life was
the light of men."
Fox struggled
in his relationship with God. In 1647 he met with many people, and yet
none could answer the longing of his heart about the reality of God. Fox
writes "One day, when I had been walking solitarily abroad, and was
come home, I was taken up in the love of God, so that I could not but
admire the greatness of His love; and while l was in that condition, it
was opened unto me by the eternal light and power, and I therein clearly
saw that all was done and to be done in and by Christ, and how He conquers
and destroys this tempter the devil, and all his works, and is atop of
him; and that all these troubles were good for me, and temptations for
the trial of my faith, which Christ had given me" He began to preach
on having a personal relationship with God, outside of the context of
the religious structure. The power of God began to fall as he preached.
One man named Brown, who was dying, had visions and prophecies about the
call on George Fox's life. When he died the joy of the Lord fell on Fox
and his understanding of the love of God increased significantly.
In 1648 as Fox
preached and the house he was in was shaken. He taught that the church
was the people and Christ was the head. He also taught that men must be
led by the Holy Spirit within their own lives. He struggled against the
religious leaders of the day, and often came into conflict with religious
authorities. Wherever he went people would come under conviction. One
day God told him to go to court and he spoke to a man on trial who was
a drunkard, a pimp, and a cheat. The man came under such conviction that
he could hardly stand. When the trial was over he followed Fox and repented.
In 1650 Fox was asked to pray with a dying man. He shared the gospel with
him and prayed for his healing. The man recovered from that time on. Fox
preached in Derby and was put in jail as a blasphemer. This lasted a year.
Fox regularly
experienced prophetic calls to action. While in Lichfield Fox had an experience
where God told him to take off his shoes. He was filled with the fire
of God and seeing a river of blood in the city, went about it crying out
against the blood of the city. He found out later that the Roman emperor
Diocletian had 1000 Christians murdered there. People would fall under
great conviction during his teaching. He described one meeting "For
that which arose from the weight and oppression that was upon the Spirit
of God in me, would open people, strike them, and make them confess that
the groans which broke forth through me did reach them, for my life was
burthened with their profession without possession, and their words without
fruit." Over the years of his life he traveled all over England,
Scotland, Ireland and America preaching the news of the leading and infilling
of the presence of God. He was often jailed, beaten, and abused as he
did so. His life was difficult and he would sleep under fences, hedges,
and haystacks, often going without food.
By the time of
his death on January 3, 1691 the laws of the land had been changed so
that religious freedom was allowed in England. The power of God had been
with him and his journal of 150 miracles was published. He had pressed
on when the abuse and persecution had driven many others out of the limelight.
Want to know more about his healing the sick?
Read about George Fox or read his writings?
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