Healing, and Business"
Gayle Jackson was born August 1, 1913 to Charles and Ethel (Inman) Jackson
in Greebrier, Missouri. Greenbrier is an unincorporated community in the
southeastern part of Wayne Township in Bollinger County, Missouri. Although
his birth name was Thomas Gayle he went by Gayle Thomas his entire life.
His father was a farmer who had 9 children of his own and also took in
members of the extended family at different times. Gayle helped work his
parents' farm and attended the local rural school. There was no regular
religious instruction in the Jackson home. Gayle Jackson's father was
unsaved and his mother a nominal Christian while he was growing up. Still
at an early age Jackson felt a call of God on his life to preach. His
parents would ask him what he wanted to do with his life and he would
tell them he wanted to be a preacher. They thought that was odd for a
young man who rarely spent time at church. His parents were hard workers
and Gayle was particularly close to his mother.
Jackson made it
through elementary school and finished 8th grade, but that was as far
as he could go. He was expected to work the farm and help support the
family. He attended church when he could on his own. His parents and siblings
did not attend most of the time. Jackson describes the early years of
walking to church as ones where God spoke to him and called him by name.
When he was about 11 or 12 he attended a local revival meeting where he
made a conscious decision to follow Christ. The next three years were
up and down for Jackson as a teenager. In 1927 his mother suddenly became
ill and was diagnosed with pneumonia. Facing death Ethel sought God and
was converted. Jackson shared what happened after the conversion "She
had a sweet vision of heaven, which lingered for hours. With a very rational
mind, mother described to us the beautiful scenes she was seeing in heaven.
She told us she would soon be there. She described a beautiful stairway
leading from her window into heaven and she would not allow anyone to
stand by the window and shut out the view." Jackson was devastated
after his mother died.
The family moved
further south in Missouri to another farm. Gayle Jackson was getting older
and more wild in his ways. His life was a mixture of sinning and seeking
God. He could not get away from the call to preach, even though he could
not see how it was possible. In the summer of 1931 Jackson attended a
revival meeting. He once more committed his life to Christ and was filled
with the Holy Spirit. Jackson became a street evangelist and began preaching
wherever he had the opportunity. Within a few months he was invited to
hold a revival meeting in Memphis, Tennessee in June 1932. He describes
himself as "shaky" but pressed on to hold the meeting. It turned
out to be a success in more ways than Jackson expected. In the midst of
the meeting a local girl, named Evelyn Newbill, stood up to sing and God
spoke to Jackson's heart "That is to be your wife." They courted
for only two weeks before they were married.
The couple began
to travel together and hold revival meetings wherever the door opened
for them. After they had been married a short time the Jacksons decided
to adopt Evelyn's baby sister Marie Newbill. Marie's mother died when
she was born and the baby had been turned over to St Peter's Orphan Asylum
in Shelby, Tennessee. The plan was for her to be reunited with her family
when she was a little older and could be cared for by the other children.
Evelyn would visit her often and the couple decided to adopt her as their
own. They traveled as a threesome wherever God opened the door for Jackson
to preach. In 1935 Jackson was ordained by the Assembly of God denomination.
In November 1939
Jackson felt God was asking him to go to a small town in Missouri called
Sikeston. It didn't fit in with his schedule but he canceled other meetings
and headed there to hold a 3 week revival meeting. The meetings began
December 5, 1939 and were such a success that Jackson was invited to start
a church there. The family settled in Sikeston for the next 9 years. The
church thrived. Jackson did not forget his evangelistic roots but often
held revival and evangelistic meetings. He honed his preaching skills
and developed a deeper understanding of the Bible. These were good and
stable years for the Jacksons after 7 years of a nomadic existence.
Everything began
to change in 1947 and 1948 when the Healing Revival broke out across the
country. It had a huge impact in Pentecostal circles and in the southern
Bible belt areas. William Branham was speaking in Arkansas and miracles
were being reported in newspapers. Gayle Jackson was stirred by a new
evangelistic call. He held revival and divine healing meetings locally.
He invited speakers covering the topic of healing. He began to hunger
for more than he was seeing in his local area. Jackson set himself to
pray and fast for an extended time. While praying God spoke to him and
said "Son, thy prayers are accepted of Me. Go and I will go before
you; and as long as you will give me all the glory, and live holy, and
walk humbly before me, no disease shall stand before your prayer."
He loved his church but felt he needed to be obedient to the call God
put on him. The Jacksons resigned from their church in January 1949 to
start a new evangelistic ministry. Sikeston continued to be their home
base. Their daughter Marie had married and her husband helped in the ministry
and business administration for the Jacksons.
Jackson immediately
aligned himself with the Voice of Healing (VOH) organization. His first
meetings were reported in the Voice of Healing magazine in Mobile, Alabama
in the summer of 1949. He quickly became a primary evangelist for the
group and was named a co-editor for the Voice of Healing magazine in the
August 1949 edition. He swept through several cities in Alabama, Georgia,
Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas over the next few years. In 1951 Jackson
was shown on the cover of LOOK magazine with Oral Roberts and Billy Graham
as one of the most influential evangelists of that year. Thousands attended
his meetings. Healings of every kind were reported including deafness,
blindness, and crippling diseases. Although Jackson was on the road often
in 1949-1953 he was careful to take time for his family. He worked to
balance his evangelistic meetings with time at home. He focused his meetings
in the south and never made the transition to international venues.
A shift for Jackson
began in 1954. His started traveling significantly less than he had been.
He used his funds to build a motel in Sikeston with his daughter and son-in-law.
It was a Best Western called the El-Capri. Although Jackson was still
respected and invited to all the Voice of Healing Conventions, he was
not holding many healing meetings and articles by him stopped appearing
in the magazine. The meetings he did hold were close to home. He gave
up the tent ministry altogether. By 1955 it appears that he had become
a full-time businessman. In 1955 the Voice of Healing Magazine only mentioned
him at conventions and only two articles appeared written by him. The
articles were transcripts of a sermon he gave at a convention. He was
listed as going to Jamaica in 1955, but the dates were never listed and
no reports were ever given of the event. It appears unlikely he actually
went. In 1956 Jackson was only listed as holding healing meetings in one
church in New Orleans, Louisiana and attending a VOH Convention. No articles
by him appeared in the magazine.
Jackson appeared
to keep a loose connection with the Voice of Healing organization and
stepped up to do more in 1957. He wrote materials to be included in online
courses given by the group. He held a large Divine Healing Rally in New
York City in 1957, the largest and longest he had held in over two years.
In 1957 he also sold the hotel his family had built. They took the funds
from that sale and moved 35 miles up the road and built a new motel in
Cape Girardeau, Missouri. The Townhouse Motel was completed in 1958 and
was the family base for the next several years. It was managed and expanded
by Jackson's daughter Marie and her husband Bill O'Guinn. The healing
revival began to decline in 1957. Some evangelists turned to television
while others focused their efforts overseas. Jackson focused on his business
and occasionally held meetings for local Pentecostal churches in the area.
In 1963 Jackson
had a small stroke and wanted less stress. He decided to return to Sikeston,
Missouri where he still had many friends and admirers. Being practical
Jackson purchased a local funeral home. His reputation as pastor helped
him as he opened it in May 1963 and held an open house that 3000 people
attended. The family sold the Cape Girardeau Hotel in October 1964. The
next several years were quieter for the Jacksons. Jackson retained his
pastoral credentials with the Assembly of God denomination and occasionally
held meetings and performed weddings. Jackson eventually sold the funeral
home in 1970 and moved into semi-retirement.
With the rise
of Kathryn Kuhlman in the 1970s there was again a stirring about the healing
power of God. Jackson began to hold evangelistic and healing meetings
around his area. They were not as large as those in the heyday of the
healing revivals of the 1950s. They were church sponsored and most were
close to his Missouri home base. Jackson continued to minister as he had
opportunity. His beloved wife Evelyn died in 1981. In 1989 the local Assembly
of God church had a 50th year celebration. Jackson was honored as the
founding pastor. By the 1980s Jackson was fully retired. He died on September
15, 1990 in Sikeston, Missouri.
Although best
known at the beginning of the healing revival Gayle Jackson pressed in
for the things of God in healing. His sermons were solid and he was respected
by both local pastors and other healing evangelists. Rather than burn
himself out on the road Jackson retained his focus on his family and put
them before fame and financial gain. No breath of scandal touched Jackson
or his family. As the demands for his time increased he chose to return
home and focus on business and family concerns. He kept his love for the
healing presence of God and held evangelistic meetings when opportunities
arose. Jackson only wrote one book during his evangelistic years "Divine
Deliverance For The Human Race" which was published in 1951.
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