"Healed to Evangelize"
Smith was born August 18, 1842 in South Vienna, Clark County, Ohio. Smith
was the eldest of nine children. Her mother's parents also lived with
the family. In 1846 her family was struck and her grandfather and sister
died of pneumonia (referred to as lung fever). She attended Presbyterian
and Methodist meetings in her area as a child and came under conviction
to know God. In 1855 her younger brother died and her hunger increased.
In 1856 she attended a Methodist camp meeting where she made a firm commitment
to Christ.
In 1857 Smith's
father's health and business failed. In attempt to help her family Jennie
helped bring in a load of hay and got a severe back injury. Within days
she came down with Typhoid fever. He damaged spine worsened and she could
no longer even get out of bed for the next six months. Her father's health
continued to fail and at one point he attempted suicide. Coming under
conviction he gave his life to Christ and died within three months. Unfortunately
upon his death the family was left destitute and all their belongings
had to be sold to live. Smith recovered her health to a degree, but within
a few months collapsed once more becoming an invalid for the next 18 months.
The next several years were a repeat of improvement and collapse. She
regularly had seizures and her eyesight became very bad. In 1862 Smith
collapsed once more and came close to death. She had a sense of heaven
but felt called upon to bring others into the kingdom. During these years
Smith an avid reader of Holiness and religious books, including Asa
Mahan's "Baptism of the Holy Spirit". She attended several
camp meetings where she described being overwhelmed by the power of the
In 1872 Smith
attended a "Higher Christian Life" meeting led by William
and Mary Boardman. Lucy Drake, who
had been healed under the ministry of Charles Cullis,
also spoke. There is no record that Smith receiving healing prayer, although
she was impacted by Lucy Drake's testimony. She said later in her life
that Drake visited her and gave her books to read. Smith felt called to
begin writing the story of her life and God's providence in taking care
of her. She began journaling what would eventually turn into her first
book. In the spring of 1873 God began to put it on people's hearts that
she should be healed. She attended a prayer meeting where several women
prayed for her. She did not receive total healing but her seizures improved
from that time on. In 1875 Smith was prayed for again and saw some improvement
in her health and significant improvement in her eyesight. In 1876 "Valley
of Baca" was published. The Valley of Baca was a biblical reference
meaning a place of drought, weeping, or suffering. Although her aim was
the testimony of God's remarkable provision and care, the book included
long descriptions of her ill health, and the ill health of her family.
After the publication
of Smith's book she began to travel to conventions and meetings to sell
it. She also began to testify of God's care at these meetings. Smith still
could not get out of bed, but had a cot on wheels in which she was moved
from one location to the next. Again she began to feel a pull to evangelistic
service and used her opportunities to speak to present the gospel. Smith
attended a camp meeting in Ocean Grove, New Jersey. Faith was stirring
in Smith for her own healing. Several people came to her and also said
they had been moved to pray for her healing.
Smith felt the
presence of God one night as she was giving the gospel to a visitor. She
was able to hold up her head for the first time in sixteen years! She
felt led to bring a group of people around her to pray one evening. She
also sent several letters to friends who could be counted on to pray during
the same time, including Dr. Charles Cullis. On March 29, 1878 during
the time of prayer the power of God came upon her. She saw a vision of
Jesus healing the man with the withered arm and she knew God was going
to heal her as well. She raised herself up on her arms and then put her
feet on the ground and began to walk. Her body, which had been in pain
for 21 years, was instantly healed.
Smith's life became
a new testimony to the goodness of God. She wrote a second book and titled
it "From Baca to Beulah" which was published in 1880.
Beulah was a biblical reference from Isaiah meaning "married"
or "restored to God's blessing". Once healed she went to Ocean
Grove, New Jersey again and spent the summer attending and speaking at
Holiness meetings. She frequently was called to minister to the lost and
the dying. She began to receive some criticism over her healing, which
was difficult for her to understand, as it was clearly a miraculous work
of God.
Smith went on
to become involved in the Women's Temperance Christian Union (WCTU) an
organization closely associated with Holiness organizations. Due to her
years of being carried in baggage cars on railroads Jennie had relationships
with many railroad employees. She felt her particular mission was to travel
on the railroads and give meetings and her testimony along the routes.
She was appointed the National Superintendent of the Railroad department
of the WCTU. She went on to write books about her experiences titled "Ramblings
in Beulah Land" volumes 1 and 2, which were published in 1881
and 1882. Late in her life Smith wrote one last book titled "Incidents
and Experiences of a Railroad Evangelist", which was published
in 1920. She continued her ministry and died on September 3, 1924 at the age of 82.
Smith was not
specifically a "healing evangelist". Once she was healed she
spent her life traveling the railroads and giving the gospel and temperance
messages. She led thousands of people to Christ in her ministry. Still
wherever she went she spoke of the healing power of God and often prayed
with the sick. She said that it would lead people into revival when they
had the deeper experiences in God such as healing. She was a friend of
Carrie Judd Montgomery, Lucy Drake Osborn,
Mrs. Beck, and Mary Mossman, all women who
ran healing homes and had a significant impact in the healing movement
of the 1880s to 1920s. She attended Christian Alliance Meetings. Smith
believed and communicated the message that God wanted to save, but He
was also willing to heal. Her books were sold throughout the United States
and her message opened people's hearts to God's healing works.
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