Dead Kidneys Come to Life

Posted on: June 28th, 2018 by
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Charles Shamp was ministering in Reno, Nevada when he shared a testimony of a woman who was healed of kidney disease.  Kurt, a man from the church heard the story and started crying incessantly.  His kidneys had shut down and he had been on dialysis for 5 months.  People in his church knew his situation and came around him to pray for him and lay hands on him.  A woman encouraged him to sow into the ministry.  As he walked up the Holy Spirit told Kurt to tell Charles “I need new kidneys.”  Charles prayed for him and he fell under the Spirit of God.  While receiving prayer his kidneys started working for the first time in 5 months!  He ended up using the restroom 3 times that night, which was impossible in his situation.  His church was so excited for him some people even followed him into the restroom to confirm the change!

Here is the original video of the testimony and Charles prays for people watching as well:

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