Miracle After Arteries Exploded

Posted on: July 20th, 2018 by
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Chris Robinson was a teacher and a weightlifter.  He had grown up in a Christian home and knew God.  A difficult marriage had brought a lot of anger into his life and he decided it’s was God’s fault and turned away from Him.

One day Chris was at the gym weightlifting with his stepson.  He suddenly felt his heart was exploding and he could no longer feel his right leg.  He made it home and collapsed on the bed.  When his wife took him to the emergency room a cat scan showed his arteries had dissected and all his blood from his heart was pouring into his belly.  There was no blood going to his extremities or his brain.  The surgeon came in and told him “I don’t understand how you are even talking right now. Most people with your condition are dead.”

They took Chris into surgery and worked on him for 9 hours.  They could not repair the damage and the doctor decided to stop because there was no hope.  By this time friends, family, and students were at the hospital praying and people all over the world were also praying for Chris.  Another doctor asked the surgeon if he could pray with him.  Even though the surgeon did not believe in prayer he agreed.  After the prayer he felt nudged to go back in and try again.  He was looking at Chris’s arteries and suddenly a wave of the power of God swept through the operating room.  As the surgeon was looking into Chris’s chest all the arteries that had been leaking blood suddenly came together, without the surgeon touching them, and stopped bleeding.  The surgeon closed Chris up and went to talk to his family.

The surgeon told Chris’ family that he was still alive but would probably be a vegetable and lose his extremities.  He had never had a patient survive that long without blood to vital organs.  People continued to pray.  Chris was put into an induced coma to keep him from moving around.

At one point Chris woke up, realized he had not died and he began to talk to God.  Upon asking God why he was still alive he went into a vision.  He saw himself in the surgery room and two dark beings were at the head of the operating table.  He knew they were there to stop the surgery from working.  He saw everyone in the operating room and how they felt.  Then he saw a huge angelic being come into the room.  He said he could see that the angel was 3 stories tall.  The angel said “he stays.” The dark beings left.

Once Chris awakened he could talk and his extremities were working.  A kidney doctor came and told him that his kidneys had shrunk and died. He would have to go on dialysis.  Chris told him “no God did this miracle and my kidneys will work.”  The doctor thought he was crazy but said he wold come back the next day.  The next day his kidneys had returned to normal size and started working.  The doctor came back and told him he would need a shunt because one kidney was blocked.  Chris again said “no God had done a miracle and his kidneys would be completely healed.”  The next day when the doctor returned the kidneys showed complete function.

This was a miracle that could not be explained away.  Everyone in the hospital including doctors, nurses, and staff heard about it because it was so spectacular.  Christ continues to give his testimony wherever he can.

You can watch the entire testimony video here:

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