Lorne Fox – Woman Healed of Acromegely

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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Jesus Never Fails! No doubt you have been looking for a letter from me for a
long time to let you know how I am. Perhaps my son, Brother Curtis Ringness, has
told you what the doctor told me when he examined me when I was back in
Minneapolis recently. It is a wonderful story, and I will let you know about the great
healing that took place that wonderful evening I was prayed for in your San
Bernardino meeting. As you may remember, my case was a hopeless one as far as
medical science was concerned. In 1939, I was given about five years to live and was
told that I would become a total cripple, would also lose both my hearing and be blind,
and that it would become increasingly difficult for me to speak. I was in bad condition
at that time, and much could be said about the intense, agonizing suffering which I
suffered at times. I must say I was very discouraged. I prayed about two weeks about
my condition. I continued to seek God. Finally, one day, and he said, I gave God a
chance to speak to me, “This is not unto death,” and he gave me faith to believe that
no matter how sick I would get, the day would come when I would be healed.
I was put on injections, sometimes every day, and then every other day. Very
little was known to the doctors about my trouble, which was called “ACROMEGELY.” (**see note)

I was told that I was the seventh case in medical history that was recorded, and
everyone before me had proven incurable. One day after many X-rays and tests had
been taken one of the doctors looked at my bible on the table and said, “You believe
that book don’t you?” I was so happy to tell him I did. The doctor then said, “She is a
big question to medical science. There must be a higher power behind this case. ” Why
I had to wait so long for healing I don’t know. I only know that specialists and doctors
have been very interested in my case all along.

I don’t remember if I told you, Bro. Fox, while you were here, how God proved
that he was going to undertake for me. When I came to your services I asked God to
lay a burden upon our heart for my healing. I did not tell anybody this. How precious
it was to me that evening when you stopped as I was walking by you and said, “Sister,
keep praying, God has laid a special burden upon me for you.” Then again, later, you
came to me and said, “Pray much for the meeting tomorrow night, God is going to do
something for you.” I knew right then that was my time.

All the next day the loving hand of God was upon me, and I felt as though I
were treading on holy ground. I am not the demonstrative type and there was a little
fear in my heart that I might fall under the power when you prayed but at last I prayed
that no matter what happened, God would have his whole way with me. I even went
through some of this battle as I stood in the healing line, but finally got so lost in God
that I never did know when you anointed me. Something very tenderly coursed
through my whole body. I knew it was the touch of the real power of God. And oh the
precious nearness of my Lord. It was fellowship divine. It was SO genuine and so very,
very real. I never knew when I did fall to the floor under the power of God. All that I do
know is that He took me in his loving arms. I knew that He was healing my body. I felt
so undeserving that He should bless me so, in His great mercy, love and grace. And
now I give my Lord all the praise and all the glory for this great miracle, which time
has proven God really performed in my behalf. Again, God bless you and yours that
work with you in the ministry.

And now a few months ago, when I was back in Minneapolis, my doctors who
had taken care of me gave me a check-up. I had been waiting for this before I wrote to
you. Dear servants of God, God bless you much. After the doctor was through with the
X-rays and tests, he looked so surprised and said, “This is the first case in history that
we know of that has turned out like this. Something extraordinary has happened. I
can not find the tumor on the brain anymore, and the test shows that you do not need
any more injections.” (By the way, I had strict orders, to take these shots regularly as
long as I lived.) I then told the doctor that I had not taken these shots for many
months. The doctor knew that God had done what medical science could not do. I told
him I believed in the Lord, that I had been prayed for and God had healed me. He
looked at me and said, “Well, that’s what I thought you were going to say, and it must
be so, because we have no cure for your condition.” My daughter, Ruth, was there with
me and heard the doctor say this.
Lovingly, your sister in Christ, Mrs. C. C.Ringness

(** disease where the body produces too much growth hormone)

Excerpt from 1950 “Golden Grain Magazine” edited by Lorne Fox.

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