James Moore Hickson – First Experiences with Healing

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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At the age of fifteen, two of his cousins were visiting his family. Feeling a deep sympathy for one of them suffering with facial neuralgia, the thought came to him, “Why not pray for her and lay your hand upon her face?” Calling to her he simply said, “Let me put my hands upon your face where the pain is.” He knew nothing of the Scriptural provision for the laying on of hands for healing, which makes the incident the more remarkable. He was not surprised that instantly she witnessed that the pain all left her. In a few days, her sister, afflicted with St. Vitus’ Dance (**see footnote), was taken with an attack. With the like simple faith, he laid hands upon her and prayed. The result was the same. His mother beholding the incidents, said to him, “Jimmie, God has given you a gift. Dedicate it to Him in humble faith and work as He directs you.” From that day,he has known no other pursuit.

**Sydenham’s chorea or chorea minor is a disease characterized by rapid, uncoordinated jerking movements affecting primarily the face, feet and hands.

Excerpt from “Our Physical Heritage in Christ” by Rev Kenneth MacKenzie.

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