Rolland and Heidi Baker – The Blind See, The Deaf Hear, and Many Are Saved

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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As the film ends and Jesus is rising in the air returning to heaven, we turn on a few crude fluorescent lights and Heidi jumps up to greet the crowd with her Makua interpreter. She starts with some Makua herself, which thrills everyone. Imagine a blonde American girl speaking their obscure tribal dialect way out in this village! And then “Mama Aida” pours her heart out describing this awesome, living Jesus who is their one hope of salvation, the one person they absolutely must find and have forever. He is God revealed. Who wants Him? Who wants His forgiveness, His heart, His eternal life? This time no one is throwing rocks and sand. No one is yelling, mocking and disrupting the gathering. Everyone in this crowd is enthusiastically interested in pursuing this good news, this salvation that has been offered to them for the first time.

But wait. There’s more. Everyone who needs healing, come forward! Especially the blind and deaf! Jesus is here to heal! A small crowd shuffles to the front, not exactly knowing what to expect. Heidi finds a blind lady and starts praying softly and gently for her. Minutes go by. Let the faith and love flow. Contend for the healing. Stand firm. Relax in His power. Soon the lady can see, but how clearly? Keep praying. Hold up keys, fingers, other things. She identifies them all. Now she can see clearly. She is really happy, and the news spreads through the crowd. We are getting very excited. A deaf-mute shows up. Again Heidi and all of us are praying. Patience. Don’t stop. Keep praying. Starting talking, prompting. Can he hear? Can he repeat words? In a few minutes, he can! And then he starts to repeat whole sentences clearly and easily. The people find out and erupt with joy. It has been years since anyone heard him speak — they can’t remember how long. The whole village knows these two and what Jesus has just done for them. Now who wants to follow Jesus? Everyone!! Right now! The village has come to life and will never be the same…

We pray with everyone together. We celebrate. Our visiting missionaries and local pastors take turns encouraging the new believers. We continue to pray for the sick. Already we start thinking about how to get a pastor to this village and consolidate what has been accomplished in one night.

From Iris Ministries 9 November 2004 newsletter. Want to know more about them visit their website at:

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