Randy Clark’s Team – Two Deaf and Dumb Brothers Healed

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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Two boys were brought to me by their mother. She asked me to pray for the oldest who was deaf and dumb. After the prayer, I asked him to make a noise and he spoke. I had to ask the mother if he had really been deaf and dumb because he spoke so clearly. My interpreter said, “Yes, he was.” She pointed to the mother’s youngest son and said he was also deaf and dumb. I didn’t believe her at first but she insisted he was in fact deaf and dumb like his brother was. The Lord came and the boy heard and spoke. I got Pastor James to make double sure both boys were deaf and dumb and both were healed. He confirmed it.

Reported by Charles Polston. From Global Awakening Report dated February 3, 2005. Used with their permission.

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