J. Grant Anderson – Woman Healed of Cancer

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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Cancer is one of the most terrible diseases known to mankind. At this writing
medical research has failed to locate its cause or to discover a cure. Persons thus
afflicted, please read the following bona fide cases of perfect cure in answer to prayer.
An affliction of some kind not understood caused me to be confined to an
invalid’s chair for seven long years. At the end of this period the doctors discovered my
trouble to be cancer of the spine, and no one but the Lord on high knew how I felt
when that discovery was made. My suffering was mental as well as physical. The
cancer grew worse, and my condition was terrible – more terrible than can be
expressed. For seven more years I never lay down once upon my back, but sat in my
chair. The continual gnawing of the cancer as it slowly ate its way is indescribable.
During those long fourteen years I never was without pain. My diet was bread and hot
water, for years. Doctors said my case was hopeless. I sent for ministers who believed
in divine healing, and when they prayed a mighty vibration passed through my whole
being and I was thoroughly healed of every affliction. Since that glad day I have not
suffered pain. I eat whatever I want and do my own housework. I am truly a thankful
woman.  Mary A. Speelman (reported by E. E. Byrum) Dayton, Ohio.

Excerpt from “Divine Healing” written by J. Grant Anderson with the Church of God, Anderson, IN.

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