Healed of Arthritis Through William Branham

Posted on: January 31st, 2013 by
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J.H. Gunderson of Portland Oregon sent the following testimony to the Voice of Healing Magazine.  They published it in May 1948.

I had arthritis which had been coming on for several months.  I had been prayed for several times.  So I went to the doctor and he said I had a bad case, and right in the joints.  He gave me 36 shots in my arms, but there was little relief.  I had it in my arms, feet, and every joint.  I was in terrible shape.  I could not raise my hands higher than my mouth and I had to walk the floor for a long time before I could dress.  Then I told my husband I was going to stop going to the doctor and instead would go to the prayer meeting every morning.  Still I had no relief.

I managed to get Brother Branham’s address, so I sent a handkerchief to be anointed and prayed over.  On December 29th, in the morning I got up and all pain had left.  I dressed and went to work cleaning up the kitchen .  I washed the dishes and the woodwork, feeling fine.

Three days later I got that handkerchief from Brother Branham , and looked at the postmark and discovered that morning he prayed and I was healed.  I am still completely healed.



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