Dora Griffin Dudley – Healed of Skin Disease

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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“0 God, my God, I cried unto Thee and Thou hast healed me.”

I have felt for some time that I should bring my healing, which was in answer to prayer, before the public, and I gladly accept this opportunity of doing so. I earnestly pray that my testimony may be used of the dear Lord in bringing many suffering ones to trust in His promise as given in James 5:14, 15. From my early childhood I have been troubled with a skin disease of one of the worst forms. By some of the physicians it was
called a species of leprosy. I have been treated by some of the best physicians in the state. I took mineral baths for two years, but no cure was effected. I only received temporary relief. Each time it took on a worse form; and for the last six years I have never been free from it. How I have suffered God and myself only know, for no one can possibly imagine anything about it. At times the itching and burning were terrible, and my nervous system became so weakened that for weeks I feared for my reason. I could not sleep, as I could not endure the warmth of the bed or the heat of the stove; and when I went into a cool room, nervous chills would seize me. In this way I put in long clays and still longer nights. Was it any wonder I feared for my reason? At this time a friend said to me: “Why don’t you trust in Jesus for the healing of your body?” It was a new thought to me, and I could not understand how to do so, and I thought no more of it. I continued to grow worse all the time, until I was literally covered with the loathsome disease. I don’t think one could put his finger on my person from the crown of my head to my feet that was not covered with sores and white scales. I was so weak that I could scarcely walk across the floor. I generally rested on a couch away from the fire. One physician who had treated me for two years (and during that time had removed a tumor from the top of my head), in whom I had perfect confidence as a physician, told me that he had done all that could be done, and that it was not in the power of man to cure me; I could only receive temporary relief at the most. He also said that if I lived long enough, the flesh would undoubtedly drop off my bones.
For years I had suffered greatly with sciatic rheumatism, so at times I was almost helpless. I had taken strong medicines every hour; my stomach had become so weakened that it seemed that every (lose would burn it through. Then I began to cry mightily unto the Lord, asking Him what I should do, for I did not feel that I could live much longer in this way if I did not get relief. Then the thought again came to me, “Why don’t you trust in Jesus for your healing?” I said at once, The Lord helping me, I will. I then said to my husband: “I have taken my last close of medicine; I will give myself to the Lord, and if I live I will live to glorify Him, and if I die I will die rejoicing in His holy name.” This was February 22nd, and on the 23rd he went with me to “Beulah” Thank God for “Beulah”! We had six miles to ride, but I told him I knew that the Lord would give me strength to go; and He did, praise His holy name. I gave my soul and body, sinsick and sore, to the Lord, and He healed me. I received the anointing by Mrs. Griffin, and after making a public consecration of my entire being to the Lord (at the faith prayer meeting held at “Beulah” the same day) I requested united prayers for my recovery.
The dear heavenly Father did hear and answer our prayers just then; for I was instantly relieved from all suffering. All the pain and stiffness caused from the rheumatism, all the itching and burning of the leprosy was instantly taken away. My soul was filled with praises and rejoicing to, my loving Saviour for His kindness toward
me. I rode home that night with the most perfect ease, for I felt that the Lord was giving strength to my body all the way. I reached home, not feeling a bit tired. I prepared the tea, ate a hearty supper, washed the tea dishes, then sat down by the stove and warmed,
without any itching or burning. Before retiring, I brushed from my body more than a dustpan full of scabs. I went to bed and slept well all night, and have not lost a night’s sleep since. Next morning I arose and did a two-weeks’ washing, a thing I had not done for years before. All the sores, scales and eruptions left my body, and my skin became as smooth and fresh as a child’s. I have had perfect health since. We live on a farm and I have done all my own work, including washing, ironing and house cleaning, ever since. I had been able to do very little before this.
0 how my heart rejoices that I have found such a Saviour and Physician; one who is ready to heal all who trust in Him. Satan has been permitted to test my faith a little at times; but I do not fear, for I know in whom I trust. The symptoms of leprosy have shown themselves on my face, but it has been attended with no suffering but once, and that was relieved instantly in answer to prayer. I know that the Father has some wise purpose in thus trying me for a little season, and I know that when I learn the lessons He wishes to teach me, He will remove every trace of Satan’s marks. I will trust Him, though He slay me; I will sing praises unto Him as long as I have breath.

Blessed be the name of the Lord!

“‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His word;
Just to rest upon His promise;
Just to know, thus saith the Lord.”
Mrs. Mary A. Ferris, Ada, Mich.

Excerpt from “Beulah” by Dora Griffin Dudley.

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