Stephen Jeffreys – Girl Healed of Double Pneumonia

Posted on: September 18th, 2012 by
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There are so many stories of physical healing that it is difficult to know which to tell. Little Mair Morgan, aged about two and a half, was dying, so the doctor said, of double pneumonia. Her parents knew about divine healing, but had not faith enough to ask the Pastor to come. They had, however, [Read the full story …]

Woman Healed of Tumor – Family Saved

Posted on: September 18th, 2012 by
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Without one exception my sister had the largest tumor I have ever known. One could scarcely believe the testimony of his eyes when looking upon her. My husband and I were not saved at that time; so had but little faith that my sister could or would be healed in answer to prayer. On her [Read the full story …]

James Moore Hickson – Paralyzed Girl Healed

Posted on: September 18th, 2012 by
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I would like to mention one case of healing, that of a young woman in the Ottawa Hospital who was paralyzed from the waist downwards; she was bedridden and had been afflicted, I was told, for five years.  Both her feet were also clubbed. The superintendent of the hospital was with me as I placed [Read the full story …]

John Alexander Dowie – How I Came Into Healing

Posted on: September 18th, 2012 by

I sat in my study in the parsonage of the Congregational Church at Newtown, a suburb of the beautiful city of Sydney, Australia. My heart was very heavy, for I had been visiting the sick and dying beds of more than thirty of my flock, and I had cast the dust to its kindred dust [Read the full story …]

Carrie Judd Monthgomery – The Healing of Anna Prosser

Posted on: September 17th, 2012 by
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Healed to Serve  by Anna W. Prosser Buffalo, NY June 30, 1880 I have often felt, since my recovery from a long and alarming illness, in answer to the “prayer of faith,” that I should make a public statement of the facts in the case, both that God’s name might be glorified by a recital [Read the full story …]

William Branham – Blind Girl Healed

Posted on: September 17th, 2012 by
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I seen a little blind girl in Germany… She walked up there in a Messa Hollow. I’ll never forget that, with some 15 to 18,000 people there. And I borrow from my dad, she’s a little bitty thing, and she’s about like this, and she had her eyes shut like this. Daddy said, “Hi sweetheart.” [Read the full story …]

Charles S. Price Heals Lorne Fox

Posted on: September 17th, 2012 by

Lorne Fox was seriously ill and was diagnosed with St. Vitus Dance, an acute disturbance of the central nervous system characterized by involuntary muscular movements of the face and extremities. The disease, now known as Sydenham’s Chorea, is usually a complication of rheumatic fever. Fox started having heart attacks. His heart had become enlarged. His [Read the full story …]

E. E. Byrum – Healing of a Girl Born Blind

Posted on: September 17th, 2012 by
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During the special week of divine healing services conducted in Omaha, Nebr., by E. E. Byrum, of Anderson, Ind., a girl named Betty, blind from birth, was brought to them to be healed. Proceedings were under way at the time to send her to a school for the blind. Sister Paulson had taken great interest [Read the full story …]

Healings and Miracles Under Johann Christoph Blumhardt

Posted on: September 17th, 2012 by
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Before long word spread and people outside Blumhardt’s congregation began to flock to him in search of physical healing. Every week new people came, and they went away thanking God for the help they had received. Infirmities of all kinds vanished: eye problems, tuberculosis, eczema, arthritis, and more. Similar miracles happened within the rector’s own [Read the full story …]

Ethan O. Allen – Dying Woman Healed

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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My acquaintance with Ethan O. Allen commenced in a Home for Incurables in Brooklyn, N. Y., January 28, 1882, at 6 P. M. During these forty-two years I have had reason to praise the Lord for that first hour of acquaintance with this man of God, for through him, a humble, yielded instrument in God’s [Read the full story …]