Stephen Jeffreys – Divine Healing Meeting in a Car

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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I rejoice almost beyond my power to express when I think of the wonderful way in which the Lord raised me from my bed of sickness. I was a helpless invalid for three years and five months, suffering from severe spinal trouble. Doctors, hospital, medicines, and all earthly skill failed in their efforts to heal [Read the full story …]

Woman Healed of Aids Through Jamie Galloway

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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Recently I was ministering at a meeting in Ellicott City, Maryland. The Spirit of Prophecy was moving powerfully around the room and ministering all sorts of good things. Jesus was healing people and changing lives. The atmosphere was ripe for miracles. At one point during the service, the Holy Spirit prompted me to call a [Read the full story …]

E. E. Byrum – Woman Raised From The Dead

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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TESTIMONY OF NANCY KING TAYLOR In January 1899, I went to visit my niece, Sister Fannie (Hooley) Martin, at Moundsville, W.Va. This was near the Gospel Trumpet Home, which was then located in that city. While there I was taken very sick with typhoid fever and rapidly grew worse. Many prayers were offered in my [Read the full story …]

Maria Woodworth-Etter & F. F. Bosworth – The Lame Walk and the Blind See

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by

  The Lame Walk, the Blind See, the Deaf Hear Supernatural Power of God Witnessed Daily – July 2-28, 1913 CHICAGO has just had the mightiest visitation of the supernatural she has ever known. God came down and walked in our midst fulfilling the word to Israel. “I will bring it health and cure . . [Read the full story …]

Rolland and Heidi Baker – The Poor are Fed and Aids is Healed

Posted on: September 18th, 2012 by
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This would be the pilot’s first trip into Mozambique, and a lot could go wrong. Noon passed, and no Cessna full of chickens showed up. After a few more hours I called Peter on my satellite phone. “Rolland!” he cried. “I’m so glad you called! The pilot got as far as Beira and had to [Read the full story …]

Maria Woodworth-Etter – Miracles in Dallas, Texas (reported by F. F. Bosworth)

Posted on: September 18th, 2012 by

I am sending you under separate cover a picture of the crowd in and around the tent. This was taken at night by artificial light and is not very plain, but it will give you a little idea of the immense crowds that gather to hear the gospel and to see the works of God. [Read the full story …]

Raymond T. Richey – Deafness and Broken Ankle Healed

Posted on: September 18th, 2012 by
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For four months I had been totally deaf in my left ear. Specialists could do me no good. When Brother Richey touched me and began praying my hearing returned instantly. I have also had a broken ankle for three years, and have suffered almost constantly. When he prayed for me, my ankle cracked, straightened, and [Read the full story …]

Smith Wigglesworth – Woman Dying of Tuberculosis Healed

Posted on: September 18th, 2012 by
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“At the age of seventeen years, from a life of worldliness and sin, I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior, being truly born again. It was a wonderful morn when I awakened with the consciousness that I had passed from death unto life, from the power of sin and Satan into [Read the full story …]

E. E. Byrum – Man at Point of Suicide Healed and Saved

Posted on: September 18th, 2012 by
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In many places along the Ohio River are to be seen small boats or shacks of fishermen who spend year after year fishing and hunting. One afternoon in springtime a party of five persons, of whom I happened to be one, decided to take two or three days’ vacation and spend the time in fishing [Read the full story …]

Randy Clark’s Team – Disabled Boy Healed

Posted on: September 18th, 2012 by
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A 10-year-old boy could not fully walk, run or jump since he was one. His kneecaps were turned out. The doctor did not know the cause. It was obvious with each step. A round cap would jut out to the left and then the right. After walking a few steps he would fall over. We [Read the full story …]