Rolland and Heidi Baker – The Blind See, The Deaf Hear, and Many Are Saved

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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As the film ends and Jesus is rising in the air returning to heaven, we turn on a few crude fluorescent lights and Heidi jumps up to greet the crowd with her Makua interpreter. She starts with some Makua herself, which thrills everyone. Imagine a blonde American girl speaking their obscure tribal dialect way out [Read the full story …]

Charles Spurgeon – A Lunatic is Delivered

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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Another person, who was a visitor in London from Wales, who had been sadly afflicted mentally in consequence of some physical defect or disease, pleaded most piteously with his family to send for Mr. Spurgeon, that he might pray at his bedside. They considered it the foolish raving of an insane mind. But at last [Read the full story …]

Francis MacNutt – Women With Withered Leg Healed

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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The most remarkable example of healing through soaking prayer I have ever seen took place after a retreat we gave in the Diocese of Sonson, Rionegro, Colombia, South America, in February1975. Bishop Alphonso Uribe had invited me to give a retreat for priests there, and our team included Father Carlos Aldunate, S.J. (of Chile), Sister [Read the full story …]

Heidi Baker and Supresa Sithole – Pastor Healed At The Point of Death

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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3 AUGUST, MAPUTO, MOZAMBIQUE — Surpresa Sithole, our Mozambican national director, seems incapable of a negative thought. Brimming over with the Holy Spirit, he grins broadly and laughs easily in all circumstances. He is my constant companion in the bush, and we go everywhere preaching together. Jesus supernaturally called him away from his village witch [Read the full story …]

James Moore Hickson – Woman Healed of Lupus

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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One of the most beautiful instances of the healing of Christ in our own day is that of a poor woman who was suffering from lupus. She had earned her living by taking in washing, but as time went on people began to be afraid to employ her because of her disease. Then she felt [Read the full story …]

A Curse is Broken and a Woman Walks

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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In Proverbs 17:19 it says “He who returns evil for good gets a curse on him.” The reality is that if you do evil to a person who does good to you then a curse will be released.  Another one is in Mark 11:12-14, 21&22.  This is Jesus cursing the fig tree.  In this case [Read the full story …]

New Eyes Created

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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Mr. George Evison of Grimsby, England, who was instantly healed at Grimsby, Boardman Hall, on March 31, 1890, could say, ” I  know Jesus healed me.” Listen to his wonderful testimony, as given by himself and corroborated by Mr. W. M. Watson: My sight was deficient from birth. I could never see more than two [Read the full story …]

John Alexander Dowie – Woman Healed of Seventeen Cancers

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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The Healing of Mrs. A. Kerr of Seventeen Cancers This lady lives at 92 George Street, Fitzroy, and her case is a most remarkable one. She is over 50 years of age and had suffered for many years. In October 1883, she came to see me for healing, and was in a most deplorable condition. [Read the full story …]

Mirculously Delivered From Bubonic Plague

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by
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During the dry season of 1922, that dread disease, bubonic plague, was raging among the natives of the Abasotso tribe near Mt. Elgon, in Kenya Colony, British East Africa. Many of them were dying of this terrible malady. Nzanza, one of the boys at our north station who, had just a few months before given [Read the full story …]

Lilian Yeomans – Woman Healed After 17 Years

Posted on: September 19th, 2012 by

Faithful Is He That Promised Healed by the Lord After Seventeen Agonizing Years Miss Harriet Lehr, Ada, Ohio I am writing my testimony in the hope that it may be a blessing to someone in need. In the days of my great trial, testimonies of healing were a balm to my weary soul and as [Read the full story …]