Elizabeth Baxter – New Eyes Created

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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Testimony of Elizabeth Baxter About Healing in Rochester Square (a precursor to Bethshan Healing Home in London) Five miles away lived George Evison. His eyeballs (in which disease commenced at five) fell out, both of them, within a few weeks, at about twenty. The poor, afflicted fellow was a curiosity. Hundreds gently placed their fingers [Read the full story …]

T. L. Osborn – Man Crippled by Bullet Miraculously Healed

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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There was a man in Puerto Rico named Juan Santos.  During WWII he had been hit by a bullet in the spine and become a paraplegic from the waist down.  His life was a torture and he tried to commit suicide several times. He had to be carried by his family to even go to [Read the full story …]

Raymond T. Richey – Women in Wheelchairs Healed

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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God gave us 5,000 conversions in this meeting and some of the most marvelous miracles of healing I have ever witnessed. Among the most striking of these healings was Mrs. F. L. Duren, who for nine years had been unable to stand on her feet, due to a spinal affliction; nine long, weary years spent [Read the full story …]

Heidi & Rolland Baker – Miracles Among the Poorest of the Poor

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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Now we are caring for a thousand children, and have a thousand pastors serving in churches all across Mozambique and into South Africa and Malawi. These churches are themselves learning to take in orphans and abandoned children, like a little girl in Chimoio whose father was killed by a land mine and mother was eaten [Read the full story …]

Mary Boardman & Elizabeth Baxter – Deformed Leg Healed

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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Deformed Leg Healed in Rochester Square (a precursor to Bethshan Healing Home in London) This report was written by Mrs Mary Boardman, who attended the meetings held by Elizabeth Baxter. One evening, half an hour after the Tuesday meeting began, we heard an unusual clump, clump, clump in the passage, drawing all eyes to the [Read the full story …]

David Nunn – Facial Paralysis Healed

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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I held a number of campaigns, while going through that period of unrest and dissatisfaction with my ministry for God. In 1949 I began a meeting in Dallas, Texas, in Little Bethel Assembly of God Church. God was moving, souls were being saved and people were being blessed of God and filled with the Holy [Read the full story …]

Randy Clark’s Team – Paralyzed Arm Made Whole

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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Two Brazilian girls had been taught about words of knowledge and were walking in the city. One of them started having a pain in her right shoulder and down her arm. She felt sure it was a word of knowledge! Upon entering a store, there was a man whose right arm was paralyzed and curled [Read the full story …]

Stephen Jeffreys – Horribly Disfigured Woman Healed

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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During the service on Saturday, March 26th, I was told of a woman brought on a stretcher in such agony that they could not bring her into the hall and I was begged to attend her outside. On going down the steps I saw over the banister such a revolting spectacle I was afraid even [Read the full story …]

A. B. Simpson – Woman Healed of Stomach Troubles

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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I HAVE been requested several times, during the past year, to write a word of testimony of my healing, but until of late, have never felt a special call to do so.  From a frail, delicate child, I became, early in life, a helpless invalid. The physicians said I was suffering from a complication of [Read the full story …]

Woman Healed of Rheumatism In Answer to Prayer (Reported by Charles Finney)

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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The author of this book has the pleasure of a slight acquaintance with Mrs. Miller, and her husband, Rev. Daniel R. Miller, and has heard the facts stated below from their own lips. Rev. Charles G. Finney, ex-President of Oberlin College, furnished to The Advance, then under the writer’s charge, her statement, with these remarks: [Read the full story …]