Stephen Jeffreys – Woman Raised Up From Stretcher

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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Then Pastor Jeffreys went on to describe a wonderful case of divine healing during his mission at Bishop Auckland some six months ago — the case of a young woman brought to the service on a stretcher. She was a ghastly sight, her vocal organs were paralyzed, she hadn’t spoken for three years, she had [Read the full story …]

Smith Wigglesworth – Broken Leg Healed

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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We have a wonderful God, a God whose ways are past finding out, and whose grace and power are limitless. I was in Belfast one day and saw one of the brethren of the assembly. He said to me, “Wigglesworth, I am troubled. I have had a good deal of sorrow during the past five [Read the full story …]

Dora Griffin Dudley – Man Healed of Partial Paralysis

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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One evening an old gentleman, dragging his right foot and with his hand hanging helpless by his side, called, asking for prayers. Perceiving that he “had faith to be healed” Mr. Dudley and I anointed him in the name of the Lord and prayed with him. He began praising God for the healing, and arose, [Read the full story …]

Healed of Thyroid Cancer

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by

There was a lady I met at my place of employment, who shared with me that she had unsuccessfully been treated for thyroid cancer. The doctors feared that the treatment was not adequate to deal with the illness. As she confided in me about her situation, I felt moved to pray: I did not feel [Read the full story …]

Ethan O. Allen – On His Healing And Having A Healing Ministry

Posted on: September 15th, 2012 by
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The writer first met Ethan O. Allen at the Old Orchard Convention, over thirty years ago. At that time he was in his early eighties. He told me that for more than fifty years he had done nothing but pray for the sick and the insane, or, as he expressed it, “castin out devils and [Read the full story …]

Irenaeus of Lyons (130-202 AD) On Raising the Dead, Deliverance, and Healing

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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From “Against Heresies (~190AD) ” Book II Chapter 31:2. “as the Lord raised them, and the apostles did by means of prayer, and as has been frequently done in the brotherhood on account of some necessity-the entire Church in that particular locality entreating [the boon] with much fasting and prayer, the spirit of the dead [Read the full story …]

Raymond T. Richey – Personal Testimony of Healing From Tuberculosis

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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One of the best tubercular specialists in Los Angeles was summoned and he confirmed the verdict of the army physicians with the addition of putting him on a strict diet. For several weeks, he lay there. Then one Sunday morning in his own words he was “in a growling mood.” He lay on the bed [Read the full story …]

Dora Griffin Dudley

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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Nearly eight years after my marvelous conversion, toward the close of 1897, my health failed rapidly. Doctors disagreed in their diagnosis. My strength was steadily slipping away, but as long as a strong will could stir up a sick body, I went on with my regular work in a Sunday School Mission Band, and the [Read the full story …]

John G. Lake – Multiple Diseases Healed

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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Mrs. Lamphear, 115½ Sprague Avenue, was an invalid for 11 years, suffering from prolapsus of the stomach, bowels and uterus, also from tuberculosis and rheumatism. Her husband carried her from place to place in his arms. After 11 years of terrible suffering, upon the advice of her physicians who were unable to assist her, she [Read the full story …]

Elias Letwaba – Baby’s Broken Neck Healed

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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Once [John G.] Lake was called to the bedside of a boy that was dying of a broken neck, the result of an accident. Lake took [Elias] Letwaba along with him and together they pleaded for the healing of the native lad. Night came and the answer did not come. Brother Lake said, “His neck [Read the full story …]