John Alexander Dowie – Deafness Healed After 26 Years

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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Mrs. Mollie Hudson of 446 63rd Street, Chicago, said: “ I have been attending the meetings of Dr. Dowie for the last six or seven weeks. When I came here I was deaf in one ear. At the age of fourteen I had typhoid fever, which left me deaf, but when I first came to [Read the full story …]

Girl Healed of Sciatic Rheumatism

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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A more careful account was afterwards prepared by the mother, and also by the father, with whom the author has conversed personally, in respect to his daughter. The parents are Rev. Albert Connett and Mrs. Anna E. W. Connett. At the time referred to, he was settled at Carbondale, Kansas, but has since removed to [Read the full story …]

Karl Andreas (Divine Healing Movement) – Dying Man Healed

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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A Major in Paris, was suffering from consumption (tuberculosis), and was not expected to live many days when I was called upon to pray over him. I found him so weak that, when he tried to lift up his hand to welcome myself, and a brother who accompanied me, he could not; and when he [Read the full story …]

Rolland and Heidi Baker – Healed After Being Left For Dead

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by

Healing in White River, Mozambique After Being Left for Dead What does revival look like among our churches here in Africa? Big crowds, exciting meetings, singing and dancing until all hours? Sometimes, but here’s one portrait that focuses clearly on what is different about the heart of our God. Iris Africa has hundreds of churches [Read the full story …]

Rudy Cerullo (Voice of Healing) – Crippled Man Healed

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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THE FIRST REAL MIRACLE came in the second Healing Revival we had, in Western Pennsylvania. We were looking to God for a break. On the third night, a man came in with a bad case of palsy, and an injured spine sustained in a foundry accident two years before which left him a complete cripple [Read the full story …]

Pastor Johann Christoph Blumhardt – Hunchback is Healed

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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One Sunday a young man from a village an hour’s walk away carried his younger brother, a hunchback, to Möttlingen. When they came again the following Sunday, both of them walked, though the boy was still quite deformed. A short time later, however, he was straight and healthy. When asked what had happened, he said [Read the full story …]

A. J. Gordon – A Cripple Is Healed

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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We give the following instance, which we find recorded and strongly endorsed by an eminent Baptist minister of the last century, Rev. Morgan Edwards, of New Jersey. We reproduce the story of the “miracle”, as he names it in his own somewhat quaint and old -fashioned phraseology. It is in regard to Hannah Carman, who, [Read the full story …]

Dora Griffin Dudley – Healed of Skin Disease

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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“0 God, my God, I cried unto Thee and Thou hast healed me.” I have felt for some time that I should bring my healing, which was in answer to prayer, before the public, and I gladly accept this opportunity of doing so. I earnestly pray that my testimony may be used of the dear [Read the full story …]

Charles Cullis – Injured Leg Restored

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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At one time a young lady called, requesting me to pray for her. Being in haste to meet an engagement, I did not ask the particulars of her lameness. She simply told me that some years ago she was run over and her hip badly injured. I asked her if she could trust the Lord [Read the full story …]

Heidi Baker – Deaf Mute Healed

Posted on: September 14th, 2012 by
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Recently at an outreach near Pemba, an invitation to salvation was given and hundreds responded. Georgian Banov was playing his intensely exciting violin music, and the crowd was electric. Then, as she often does, Heidi called deaf people forward for prayer. She took one little boy in her arms, a twelve-year-old deaf-mute since birth, and [Read the full story …]