Notes and Updates Notes and updates on

April 22, 2010

T. L. and Daisy Osborn Biographies

Filed under: Notes and Updates - Healing and Revival Site — Admin @ 2:48 pm

We added a single biography that covers both T. L. and Daisy Osborn’s ministry.  Please check it out and their associated reference links.

CMA Archives

Filed under: Notes and Updates - Healing and Revival Site — Admin @ 2:47 pm

We’re sorry to note that the C&MA Archives are down for awhile.  We have not control over this but it’s a great loss to this site.  The C&MA archives office does not know when they will be back up.

April 15, 2010

New William Branham Link

Filed under: Notes and Updates - Healing and Revival Site — Admin @ 8:29 pm

We’ve added a link to videos of William Branham in the reference section under his biography.

April 14, 2010

Charles S. Price Link Added

Filed under: Notes and Updates - Healing and Revival Site — Admin @ 5:41 pm

We added a link under the reference section of Charles S. Price’s Biography.  It’s an excellent article by Tim Enloe and we encourage you to check it out.

Dr. Charles S. Price, His Life Ministry and Influence

Minor Updates To Several State Listings

Filed under: Notes and Updates - Healing and Revival Site — Admin @ 12:30 pm

We’ve added information on Voice of Healing Meetings for the following states:

Mississippi, Indiana, Alabama, Texas, Colorado, Utah, Pennsylvania, and California

March 24, 2010

Small changes to Woodworth-Etter, Willitts, and Erickson

Filed under: Notes and Updates - Healing and Revival Site — Admin @ 12:55 pm

We’ve added more family information for Woodworth-Etter, found a 1954 Willitts meeting in Alabama, and updated dates for Clifton O. Erickson.

February 12, 2010

Updates for Coe, Lindsay, Grant, and Nunn

Filed under: Notes and Updates - Healing and Revival Site — Admin @ 2:38 pm

We have updated the reference pages for Jack Coe, J. Gordon Lindsay,   W. V. Grant, and David O. Nunn.  These men were all prominent in the Voice of Healing organization.  We have added pictures of grave markers for each of them.  Many thanks to the kind person who took the pictures and sent them to us!

February 9, 2010

New research links added

Filed under: Notes and Updates - Healing and Revival Site — Admin @ 11:22 am

We’ve added several historic newspaper links to the Research Page.  Proquest has the largest newspapers (NY. LA, etc) but you cannot subscribe directly to them.  They only work with libraries and institutions.  Check with your local library to see which (if any) of the Proquest papers they have a subscription to.

February 8, 2010

Want to keep up with updates?

Filed under: Notes and Updates - Healing and Revival Site — Admin @ 8:48 pm

People have asked how to get notifications of updates on the the site.   Here’s an easy way to do it.  Look at the column on the right side of the screen.  You will see a list called Meta:  one of the options is RSS

1.) Click on the RSS link

2.) A Box will pop up that says “Subscribe With Live Bookmark”

3.) Folder: Either leave as Bookmarks Toolbar if you want the new link on your toolbar or change to Bookmarks Menu if you just want it on your menu.

4.) Press the subscribe button

Voila!  You now have a link which shows the titles of the last several updates automatically.  You don’t have to log into the Blog or the site to find out what’s happening.

February 6, 2010

William J. Seymour Biography Updated

Filed under: Notes and Updates - Healing and Revival Site — Admin @ 10:49 pm

We have added quite a bit more information on Seymour based on the two best known histories about Seymour’s life.

1.) For Such A Time As This The Story of Bishop William J. Seymour and the Azusa Street Revival,  Doctoral Dissertation by Douglas J. Nelson University of Birmingham, England May 1981.

2.) The Life and Ministry of William J. Seymour and a history of the Azusa Street Revival, by Larry E. Martin.

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