We’ve added about 25 articles to the reference section under the biography of Maria Woodworth-Etter. Most of the articles are from Pentecostal papers of the day. We’ve also updated Wells of Revival Links for Woodworth-Etter meetings in the following states – Kansas, California, Iowa, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennesse, Georgia, Arkansas, Texas, Michigan, Colorado, Florida, Nebraska, and Indiana.
February 24, 2006
February 23, 2006
F. F. Bosworth Articles Linked
Wow we have just uploaded links to another 25 articles by and about F. F. Bosworth. That makes alomost 80 articles on the reference page under F. F. Bosworth’s biography on our Healing and Revival website. This is a treasure trove we urge you to check out. Most people know Bosworth from his classic book Christ the Healer but these articles give a much more “flesh and blood” perspective on his life. We’ve also added a link to Bob Bosworth’s web page. Bob is F. F. Bosworth’s son and has his own ministry.
February 22, 2006
F. F. and B. B. Bosworth Links updated in Wells of Revival Listings
We have updated listings for several US States with information on F. F. Bosworth and B. B. Bosworth meetings. These include Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Connecticut, Georgia, New York, and DC. For Canada we have updated Ontario and Manitoba.
February 16, 2006
What God Hath Wrought Through the Life of Raymond T. Richey now on-line
Missionfinder.org has gone to the trouble of putting the Richey book online. It’s 177 pages and an incredible read if you like testimonies of God’s healing power! We’ve made a link to it in the reference page under Richey’s biography.
February 15, 2006
Additions to Martha Wing Robinson References
We have added two reference links for Martha Wing Robinson. She was first healed under John Alexander Dowie in Chicago. She eventually worked for him in Zion for a short time. These references include her testimony of healing and testimonies of healing under her ministry in Davenport, Iowa. There is also a reference link in the Iowa Wells of Revival page listing her home address. We have one rare copy of her out of print biography in the bookstore so check that out if your are interested in her full story.
February 14, 2006
Adding Links for Bosworth Meetings and additional Bosworth Info
We’re adding Wells of Revival Dates and Links for F. F. and B. B. Bosworth. Illinois, Washington DC, and New York have been updated. We’ve added a couple of obituaries for the Bosworths and added a remarkable testimony of six deaf children being healed in a Bosworth meeting under references for F. F. Bosworth. Several reference articles have been added as well.
February 3, 2006
New Biography for T. W. Ratana
We’ve developed an initial biography for T. W. Ratana the Maori healer. He brought revival to the Maori people in the early 1920s and eventually became a political leader to bring equal rights to the Maori. This can be found under the biography section of the web site.