We’ve added an excerpt from an 1884 newspaper article where a pastor discusses divine healing testimonies and one of the stories covers a healing (most likely deliverance) through Allen and his ministry. The article was written while Allen was still living. This is found in the reference section under Allen’s biography.
June 12, 2011
June 5, 2011
John G. Lake Article Added
We’ve located an unusual article about John G. Lake and his first wife from 1900. It makes us wonder if her early death had another cause than just overwork in South Africa. You can find it in the reference section under Lake’s biography.
June 2, 2011
Contacting us
We apologize that we cannot provide a way to allow posts from users directly on this site. We were inundated with spam. If you would like to add a comment then send it to us through the contact e-mail on the main Healing and Revival webpage and we will be happy to add it if it’s appropriate.
We’re updating several pages
We’ve added a few Raymond T. Richey meetings to the Oklahoma listings page. We’re also in the process of removing broken links associated with the loss of direct access to the Christian and Missionary Alliance magazine archives. You must now log in to see their historical material. Where appropriate we point this out and give an access link so you can still find what you need.