We’ve added the biography for Herb Mjorud the Lutheran Healing Evangelist who was filled with the Spirit in the charismatic renewal of the 1960s. He saw many miraculous healings and even raised a woman from the dead.
March 24, 2018
February 15, 2018
Word for 2018
Prophetic word for 2018 b Pastor Kent Christian. We encourage you to watch it.
November 13, 2017
Fixed broken link on the Research Page
Links are constantly changing and we hadn’t updated this page in a while. Broken links were corrected or removed.
September 5, 2017
Minor updates to Johann Blumhardt biography.
Corrected a date and fixed a couple of awkward sentences. We always are willing to fix our goofs!
April 10, 2017
Added a few more info on the Kellners
We’ve added a few more articles and healing testimonies on John and Olive Kellner’s reference page.
April 5, 2017
Added Biography of John and Olive Kellner
John and Olive Kellner were Assembly of God pastors who had seen healing in their ministries. In 1948 Olive received a healing in the middle of the healing revival. The couple stepped out of the pastorate and began to hold healing evangelistic meetings. They were the only couple listed in the Voice of Healing Magazine who ministered together and both received equal billing.
January 5, 2017
Revised some of Oral Roberts Biography
Updated some information on Roberts.
March 29, 2016
Added a biography for Gayle T. Jackson
We have added a biography for Gayle Jackson a Voice of Healing Evangelist. He was best known in the first few years of the movement. We have also added entries in several states for meetings that he held. His focus was primarily the southern states of Missouri, Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. He was also a regular convention speaker for the Voice of Healing organization.
January 15, 2016
Biography for O.L. Jaggers Added
Orval Lee Jaggers is a name mostly known in association with the Voice of Healing organization. However he was actually only associated with VOH for a short time. We have done a lot of research on Jaggers and found the reports he provided to the VOH magazine were problematic and his character highly questionable. We normally try not to be too negative but Jaggers life was so glaringly bizarre that it had to be told as a cautionary tale.
December 4, 2015
Clean up on articles
We’ve run a clean up on all the biographies to catch typos, misspellings, and obvious grammatical mistakes. Hopefully this will make the site more readable.