We have added reference links for both Trudel and Zeller. We have also adjusted Zeller’s birth year to 1934 to match what the German National Library has listed for him.
June 15, 2007
John Alexander Dowie Additions
We added several links in the reference section under Dowie’s biography. One of the links is for a book titled “American First Fruits Divine Healing Missions In The State Of California ” a report for Dowie’s work in California. There are also new additions of other articles in the list as well. Some of the critical articles contain helpful information so we have included them.
New Books From W. E. Boardman
We have added the books “In The Power Of The Spirit” and “He That Overcometh” by W.E. Boardman in the reference section under Boardman’s biography. We have also added several articles relating to his work in the US Christian Commission and a few other items as well.
June 14, 2007
Dr. Charles Cullis Links Added
We’ve added about a dozen articles about Cullis and his work in the reference section under his biography. He had a major influence in the Boston area and was known world-wide for his ministry to the poor as well as praying for the sick.
Added to Lucy Drake Osborn
We’ve added a biographical link on Lucy Osborn (who was healed under Charles Cullis). It is in the references for Osborn under Monmouth County information.
June 13, 2007
Added Books About and By A. J. Gordon
We’ve added several books and articles by and about A. J. Gordan. This includes the most extensive biography written on Gordan by his son, titled “Adoniram Judson Gordon: A Biography with Letters and Illustrative Extracts”.
We added more info on Edward Jeffreys
We’ve added a few more links under the references for Stephen Jeffreys to include more information on his son Edward, who was a revivalist in his own right.
Charles F. Parham Book Now Linked
We have added a link to “Fields White Unto Harvest: Charles F. Parham and the Missionary Origins of Pentecostalism”
June 12, 2007
Jack Moore’s Cemetery Info
We’ve added pictures from the Shreveport, Louisiana cemetery where Jack Moore is buried.
June 10, 2007
Added Articles
We’ve added a few articles and books to the following people Maria Woodworth-Etter, F. F. Bosworth, Phoebe Palmer, George and Stephen Jeffreys.