We have added two reference links for Martha Wing Robinson. She was first healed under John Alexander Dowie in Chicago. She eventually worked for him in Zion for a short time. These references include her testimony of healing and testimonies of healing under her ministry in Davenport, Iowa. There is also a reference link in the Iowa Wells of Revival page listing her home address. We have one rare copy of her out of print biography in the bookstore so check that out if your are interested in her full story.
February 15, 2006
February 14, 2006
Adding Links for Bosworth Meetings and additional Bosworth Info
We’re adding Wells of Revival Dates and Links for F. F. and B. B. Bosworth. Illinois, Washington DC, and New York have been updated. We’ve added a couple of obituaries for the Bosworths and added a remarkable testimony of six deaf children being healed in a Bosworth meeting under references for F. F. Bosworth. Several reference articles have been added as well.
February 3, 2006
New Biography for T. W. Ratana
We’ve developed an initial biography for T. W. Ratana the Maori healer. He brought revival to the Maori people in the early 1920s and eventually became a political leader to bring equal rights to the Maori. This can be found under the biography section of the web site.
January 31, 2006
We are adding more articles for Dr. Charles Cullis
We continue our work on Dr. Charles Cullis. We’ve added a description of Intervale Park Camp-meeting Center in North Conway, New Hampshire. We’ve also added a description of a Cullis visit to Boydton Academy in Virginia, a school for African-Americans opened in the 1870s which was paid for and supported by his ministry. We’ve gotten a copy of Cullis’ “Tuesday Morning Talks” which are short sermons he gave at his weekly “Consecration Meetings”. We will review those and post some of those articles as well.
January 29, 2006
Dr. Charles Cullis’ Consumptive Home Reports Fully Uploaded
The massive job of uploading approximately 400 pages of Cullis’ Reports has been completed. They cover the years of 1864-1869. About 5% of the pages have scan problems. We will attempt to fix them as time permits.
January 23, 2006
Several reference links have been updated
We have added links to articles, in the reference sections under their biographies, for the following people: Elizabeth Baxter, Phoebe Palmer, Asa Mahan, R. Kelso Carter, and Charles Cullis. We continue to work on the Consumptive’s Home Reports for Cullis and are adding parts as time allows.
January 20, 2006
Visions of Heaven, Hell, and the Cross by Lorne Fox has been added
We tracked down a publication from around 1950 by Lorne Fox called Visions of Heaven, Hell, and the Cross. It has been uploaded and you can read a copy of it on the reference page under the biography of Lorne Fox. The book was an evangelistic tool describing the choice between following Jesus and going to hell.
January 19, 2006
Faith Homes List Updated
We’ve uploaded the 1888 Christian and Missionary Alliance Yearbook Pages which cover the C&MA Divine Healing homes in operatioin at that time. We’ve made links from the Faith Homes List to the Yearbook page which lists them. We also added a link for J. W. Byers Healing Home in Oakland California to a page from his 1896 Tidings of Healing Magazine where he describes the Home and how it works.
January 16, 2006
Consumptive Home Report – Dr. Charles Cullis
When Charles Cullis began his journey in “Faith Work” he opened a Home for Consumptives in 1864. He went on to open another Consumptive Home, an orphanage, a deaconsess home, a chapel, a cancer home, a spinal home, and a Faith Mission in India. That was all before he saw his first healing in 1870. We have gotten a copy of his cumulative report published in 1869. If you like reading about George Mueller you will like reading this report! Every day was a journey in the faithfulness of God to provide through prayer. This is a long report. We have posted Part 1 in the reference section under Charles Cullis’ biography. We will be adding more over the next couple of weeks.
January 14, 2006
New Zealand – Wells of Revival Updates
We’ve come across a helpful book “A History of the Charismatic Movements in New Zealand” by Rev. J. E. Worsfold. This covers both Divine Healing and Pentecostal influences in New Zealand. This gave us a chance to update the New Zealand Wells of Revival page to include several meetings not previously listed. We’re also committed to adding the biographies of some healing evangelists not known before this including: A. H. Dallimore and the Revival Fire Mission, T. W. Ratana the Maori healer, and Dr. Mina Ross Brawner a woman healed under Aimee Semple McPherson who developed her own ministry under the Open Bible Church.