Sorry for the wait. We have put Tommy Hicks biography up with associated references.
January 8, 2024
May 31, 2020
Lam Jeevaratnam’s English Sons Have Passed Away
An update from Lam Jeevaratnam’s great – granddaughter Lindsay. “Since I last did so my email add. has changed so I can’t log in. Want to update the family info – my father Keith died 2 yrs ago and his brother Peter died on May 5th, 2020. So sadly both of Lam’s English sons are now gone. Best wishes, L J-G.”
January 14, 2019
New Oral Roberts Resources
The ORU Holy Spirit Center is digitizing a lot of Oral Roberts content and making it available online. We’ve added the following to the reference section for Oral Roberts. Thanks to Daniel Isgrigg the Director of the Center for providing the information and continuing the work to make as much digital information available for online searching.
They have also just published Volume 3 of Spiritus the ORU Journal of Theology. – The Oral Roberts University collection which contains a growing number artifacts related to ORU such as audio/video, City of Faith artifacts, publications, and chapel service archive. – The Oral Roberts collection contains audio, unpublished writings, photos, messages and other artifacts from Oral Roberts and his ministry. The ORU Theological Journal published an Oral Roberts Centennial edition with 12 new studies of the life and ministry of Oral Roberts that you can freely read or download online.
December 2, 2018
New Historical Resource
A new incredible resource is now available
The Consortium of Pentecostal Archives (CPA) is a collaborative effort initiated by repositories of Pentecostal archival materials to make their materials accessible online. The site can be found at:
Members include:
- Assemblies of God USA
- Church of God (Cleveland, TN)
- Church of God Germany
- Fuller Theological Seminary
- Howard University
- International Church of the Foursquare Gospel
- International Pentecostal Holiness Church
- United Pentecostal Church International
October 24, 2018
Currently Working on Tommy Hicks Biography

We are currently working on the biography for Tommy Hicks. Although he is well known for the Argentine Revival of 1954 and for his end time vision of 1961 much of his life story has not been available. This may take some time as references are very scattered.
August 25, 2018
Biography of Canon Jim Glennon Added
Alfred James “Jim” Glennon was an Anglican Canon from Australia. He led a large healing ministry during the Charismatic Renewal of the 1960s to 1980s that impacted not only Australia but the world, especially in denominational churches. We added his biography and a few reference links for him.
August 22, 2018
Biography for A. C. Valdez Jr. Added
Alfred C. Valdez was a well known Voice of Healing evangelist from the 1950s. His father, Adolpho Valdez (A. C. Valdez Sr.) was involved in the Azusa Street Revival and many early Pentecostal meetings. Both of the Valdez men would minister in international healing meetings in the 1950s. We also have added Valdez meetings to the Wells of Revival lists.
July 15, 2018
Broken Links Repaired
The ever reoccurring issue of broken links has been addressed (for the moment.) We’re trying to minimize external links and so we will no longer attach them to the Wells of Revival location sites. We are also lumping youtube videos into one link for an individual so videos that appear and disappear will no longer impact our reference section. That means you may see negative as well as positive videos on an individual listed when you click on a youtube link for that person, and it will be up to readers to sort them out.
The Branham sermon links were of particular concern as we had many references connected to them. The websites changed and one of the sites was picked up by a scammer. We’ve dropped all individual Branham sermon links in the Wells of Revival section. We have only left the main links to the updated webpages under the Branham references. This will minimize the impact to our site if they change again in the future.
We have also added many links to the reference section of biographies. Most references pages have been updated.
We’ve provided Find A Grave Links wherever possible.
We’ve added more historical newspaper sites to the Research page. Many states are working diligently to digitize their history before old newspapers crumble into oblivion.
We’ll be adding some new biographies shortly now that this project is done.
May 29, 2018
Contact form is fixed
The contact form company we were using went out of business and we were never notified. We have updated our contact form so that it is working again. Sorry for any inconvenience.
April 12, 2018
Updates to John Wimber’s Research Page
Many… MANY.. videos of John Wimber teaching have shown up on youtube now. We have updated the Wimber research page to include some new articles, video and audio teachings, and research sources.
It’s hard to keep up with links that change all the time, but these are current as of April 2018.