The Healing of Jack Hayford

Posted on: August 27th, 2018 by
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When I was one year old, I was supposed to die. When I was born, there was something wrong with my neck that the doctors couldn’t fix, and it was inevitable that with the passage of time, the condition would have eventually twisted my neck and I would die. The doctor knew there was nothing [Read the full story …]

Tumor Disappears on Baby After Prayer by A. A. Allen

Posted on: August 20th, 2018 by
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This testimony was published in the January 1951 Voice of Healing magazine. “I had been taking my baby to Highland Hospital since August 16, 1949.  A lump or tumor had started to grow on her neck, and her head had begun to grow and begin to draw back. The lump continued to grow larger. My [Read the full story …]

Woman Healed of Cerebral Palsy After God Gives Her A Vision

Posted on: July 23rd, 2018 by
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Marlene Klepees was born prematurely at less than two pounds at birth.  She developed cerebral palsy and was crippled.  Then when she was two years old her parents were killed in a motorcycle accident.  She lived with her great grand- parents, foster families, and grand-parents. At 12 years old some teens brought her to a [Read the full story …]

Miracle After Arteries Exploded

Posted on: July 20th, 2018 by
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Chris Robinson was a teacher and a weightlifter.  He had grown up in a Christian home and knew God.  A difficult marriage had brought a lot of anger into his life and he decided it’s was God’s fault and turned away from Him. One day Chris was at the gym weightlifting with his stepson.  He [Read the full story …]

Eyes created when Mel Bond Prayed

Posted on: July 16th, 2018 by
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Mel Bond had a team and they were ministering in Chinandega, Nicaragua in January 2000.  They were meeting in a town square and there were between 3000 and 3500 people in attendance.  Mel had brought a couple of women up to the front who were blind and prayed for them.  They both received their sight.  [Read the full story …]

Dead Kidneys Come to Life

Posted on: June 28th, 2018 by
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Charles Shamp was ministering in Reno, Nevada when he shared a testimony of a woman who was healed of kidney disease.  Kurt, a man from the church heard the story and started crying incessantly.  His kidneys had shut down and he had been on dialysis for 5 months.  People in his church knew his situation [Read the full story …]

Creative Miracle Through Charles Shamp

Posted on: June 28th, 2018 by
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Charles Shamp was in Perth Australia where a woman named Deborah gave her testimony of a creative miracle.  She had been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer and lymphoma.  She had to have surgery to remove both her breasts and although she had implants they caused further problems and she eventually had them removed.   During [Read the full story …]

Herb Mjorud Raises a Woman from the Dead

Posted on: March 24th, 2018 by
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When Reverend Mjorud was called before the American Lutheran Council to defend his charismatic actions the following story is one he had to explain.  It occurred during an evangelistic service in a Lutheran Church. Although most people would see it as a wonderful miracle they disagreed. He was terminated from his position as a Lutheran [Read the full story …]

Pastor Supressa Sithole Prays for Woman Who Received New Eyes

Posted on: March 1st, 2018 by
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Pastor Supressa (Surprise) Sithole is associated with Iris Ministries and Rolland and Heidi Baker.  He tells the story of a woman who was prayed for at a conference.  She had a disease while living in Malawi that attacked her eyes.  Once the disease started in someone the eyeballs would eventually disintegrate and disappear.  This woman’s [Read the full story …]

Florence Hedges healed of Lupus through prayer in 1998

Posted on: February 17th, 2018 by
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Eight years ago I nursed my husband through the last six months of his life. Shortly after his death I become ill. I experienced aches and pains. I had almost continuous pain in my back. Much of the time it felt like a knife, and it greatly reduced my mobility. I had no energy and [Read the full story …]