Healing Through Gayle Jackson

Posted on: September 28th, 2017 by
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It was a revival in around 1980 in Salem, MO. The evangelist as I knew him was brother Gayle Jackson. I was 7 years old. I wore glasses for crossed eyes from around the age of 2 and I had actually had surgery to repair with no affect. I hated my glasses, I was made [Read the full story …]

The Healing of Lester Sumrall’s Mother

Posted on: June 22nd, 2017 by
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When Sumrall was a boy his mother, Betty, had breast cancer  She had an open sore about the size of a sliver dollar.  Because of the pain, for many nights she cried herself to sleep.  In those days, shortly after WW I, surgeons didn’t have the techniques or medications that modern doctors use.  Her doctor [Read the full story …]

No Longer Crippled – Healing Through John and Olive Kellner

Posted on: April 4th, 2017 by
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We have just added a biography for John and Olive Kellner.  They were Assembly of God Pastors who stepped into the healing movement in the 1950s and became Voice of Healing Associate Editors.  They held a meeting at the Assembly of God Church in New Castle, PA in November of 1954.  This story comes from [Read the full story …]

Healing of a Pastor’s Voice – Psalm 103

Posted on: September 12th, 2016 by
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Pastor Dwayne Miller gives his testimony about his healing in a Baptist church.  January 17, 1993 William Jefferson Clinton was preparing for his inaugural, the Cowboys beat the 49ers, and God showed Himself powerful and contemporary in a Sunday School class at Houston’s First Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. The lesson that morning was from [Read the full story …]

The miraculous “seeing” of Ronald Coyne

Posted on: March 23rd, 2016 by
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In 1951, (Roscoe) Ronald Coyne’s right eye was damaged because a piece of wire had gotten stuck in it.  Infection set in and the eye had to be surgically removed.  He was given a plastic eye to wear so the loss would not stand out.  The eye did not look quite normal as it could [Read the full story …]

Insane Woman Delivered In Charles Finney’s Antwerp Revival

Posted on: December 27th, 2015 by
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There were two very striking cases of conversion in this place; and there were two very striking cases of instantaneous recovery from insanity during this revival. As I went into the meeting in the afternoon of one Sabbath, I saw several ladies sitting in a pew, with a woman dressed in black who seemed to [Read the full story …]

Girl whose brain “turned to mush” now healed and graduating high school

Posted on: May 29th, 2015 by
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This story is told by Taylor’s mom Stacy Henningsen. In September 2011, just two weeks into her freshman year, Taylor Hale suffered a traumatic brain injury while horsing around with friends after a high school football game. She slid off a car hood and hit her head, hard, against pavement. Her incredible trajectory — from [Read the full story …]

Pheonix Resident Healed of Cancer Through William Branham in March 1948

Posted on: November 10th, 2014 by
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Last September I went to Dr. Weldon Baker, North Second Street, Phoenix, Arizona. and he made two x-rays. He found that I bad a bad case of colitis, that my heart was enlarged from poison, that only one-fifth of my liver was active, and that there were several stones as big as my thumbnail on [Read the full story …]

Dying Woman Healed Under John Alexander Dowie

Posted on: July 9th, 2013 by

This testimony was published in the February 5, 1897 Leaves of Healing Newsletter.  (Note: consumption was the old name for tuberculosis.) GRIFFITH, IND. January 20, 1897.  Dear Dr. & Mrs. Dowie, I feel it a pleasure as well as my duty to add my testimony to the many hundreds of others-of my perfect healing – [Read the full story …]

PTSD and Nerve Damage Healed

Posted on: June 10th, 2013 by
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Dave came home from the war with severe PTSD symptoms and nerve damage.  He was in a wheelchair and constantly felt like he was being cut with razor blades, his skin felt like acid was being poured on it, and he felt his bones were being crushed.  He was extremely sensitive to bright lights and [Read the full story …]